Chapter 4

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KEY - I will post this at the beginning of every chapter as a reminder.

L/n - Last Name

Y/n - Your Name

Y/f/n - Your Friend's Name

Y/f/l/n - Your Friend's Last Name

f/c - favorite color

h/l - hair length

h/c - hair color

e/c - eye color


Y/n's POV

The next day we went back to the theatre at 10 am, Y/f/n and I stopping for coffee at our favorite coffee shop on the way.

"Hello, Y/n and Y/f/n! Welcome to the Winter Garden Theatre, where you will be slightly terrified by ghosts and demons!" Alex greeted us, scaring Y/f/n by popping out of nowhere while I just laughed.

"Why don't you get scared by jump scares anymore Y/n!!!" Y/f/n said, clinging onto me for dear life while laughing.

"Because when one of your friends jumpscare you about 500 times, you stop being scared by them!" I retorted, making all of us laugh.

"Welcome Y/n, Y/f/n, and Alex. Please make your way to the theatre for a spooky time," Rob and Kerry said in spooky voices coming out of the theatre, slightly scaring Alex and Y/f/n and making me laugh my head off.

We all walked into the theatre and sat down in the theatre chairs, waiting for Timbers to start talking. 

"Hello everyone, welcome back to the theatre! Today and over the next week, we will be working on the songs and choreography. We have 2 weeks to work on this and get our show to perfection while being yourselves at the same time. Without further ado, let's get started!" Timbers said, making us cheer, 

"When a song that you're in comes on, you will go up to the stage. This is just a test run. We want to see how far you guys are with learning the music and the dance moves. If you know the dance moves, please do them. We will start with the Prologue and then go in order through the songs."

Most of us went on stage and got ready to sing. When we finished the Prologue, Alex, Rob, and Kerry whipped through their songs and then I was up with my solo of Dead Mom.

"Hey Mom, Dead Mom
I need a little help here
I'm probably talking to myself here
But Dead Mom I gotta ask
Are you really in the ground?
Cause I feel you all around me
Are you here, Dead Mom?
Dead Mom"

"Dead Mom
I'm tired of trying to iron out my creases
I'm a bunch of broken pieces
It was you who made me whole
Every day Dad's staring at me
Like all "hurry up get happy
Move along
Forget about your mom"

"Cause Daddy's in denial
Daddy doesn't wanna feel
He wants me to smile
And clap like a performing seal"

"Ignored it for a while
But Daddy's lost his mind for real
You won't believe the mess that we've become"

"You're my home
My destination
And I'm your clone
Your strange creation"

"You held my hand
And life came easy
Now jokes don't land
And no one sees me"

"Nothing seems to fit
Mamma, is this it?
Are you receiving?
I want something to believe in"

"Or I'm done
Take me where my soul can run
Or I'll be in my bedroom
Wake me when I'm twenty-one
Daddy's moving forward
Daddy didn't lose a mom"

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