Chapter 17

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KEY - I will post this at the beginning of every chapter as a reminder.

Y/n - Your Name

Y/f/n - Your Friend's Name

f/c - favorite color

h/l - hair length

h/c - hair color

e/c - eye color


Y/n's POV

After the show, the whole cast had gotten together with Timbers, Eddie Perfect, and a few others that helped make the musical happen, and we told them about what happened to Alex. We decided not to tell anyone what happened, and let Alex make the decision if he wants to release it or not when he wakes up.

At the end of the meeting, hugs were given and condolences were shared, and then we went home and went to bed. The next morning we got up pretty early and got ready, ate breakfast, and then headed to the hospital to go check and see how Alex was doing.

I hadn't let the truth of what happened to sink in yet, and I was just holding out hope that he would wake up before it got to me.

We reached the hospital and were allowed in his room. The children crowded around the right side of his bed, with Benny sitting next to me on the left side of the bed, closest to the door. I grabbed his hand and held onto it, being careful not to squeeze it too hard.

Day after day, we came back to the hospital. After 2 days, the doctors told us that he was in a coma and that he might not ever wake up. I kept him in the hospital with the hope that he would wake up soon. 

After a month of him being in a coma in the hospital, I came around and it finally hit me what was happening. It hit me like a train, and when it hit, it hurt so, so bad.

It happened when I was in Alex's dressing room, getting ready for a show. Since I was in Alex's dressing room because I played Beetlejuice, my dressing room was empty, the kids stayed in there with Trevon, and Violet played Lydia. I was changing, and so I had the door closed. I had just finished changing and had started to put on my wig when my thoughts drifted off to Alex and all the fun times we had together.

I collapsed on the floor crying, and after crying for a bit, a panic attack snuck up on me. Logan was with the children, but he realized what was wrong through the door, and started pawing at my door. Soon he started barking, and Y/f/n came to see what was wrong.

She opened the door and Logan bounded in, running into my lap and curling up, putting my hand on him and making me stroke him to help me calm down. Y/f/n saw, shut the door and walked over to me and ran her fingers through my hair.

"What's wrong Y/n?" Y/f/n asked, worried.

"What if he never wakes up Y/f/n?" I whispered, still crying.

"Oh don't say that Y/n, you know that he's a fighter, he'll make it through," Y/f/n tried to reassure me.

"But what if he doesn't wake up, what if he wakes up but doesn't remember me, what if he finds someone new, what if he falls in love with one of the nurses taking care of him, what if he hates me for letting that car hit him?" I buried my face into Logan and cried harder.

There was a knock on the door, and then it opened, revealing Kerry, who started to say,

"Hey Y/n, 10 minutes until..."

"It caught up with her," Y/f/n said.

Kerry came in and shut the door behind her, and came to my other side and put an arm around me.

"She's afraid that Alex won't wake up, or like her, or love someone else," Y/f/n told Kerry, filling her in.

"Oh Y/n, you know that he would never leave you," Kerry said, "Alex loves you and that will never change. Besides, he'll wake up, you know that he's a fighter. And let me tell you that Alex would take a hit from a car over and over again if that meant that you wouldn't get hit by it."

"But what about the kids? They looked up to him as a Dad, I don't know that if he dies, that I'll ever love anyone ever again. He was their second Dad, he filled the place Eric was supposed to, but now he's just laying in a hospital bed, dying," yet another wave of tears washed over me and I cried harder.

"Hey, hey, hey. Just think about it, if you had gotten hit by that car, they would have lost their Mom. Their taking it well, we've all been worried about you Y/n."

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice muffled by Logie's soft fur.

"The children have all adapted and gone back to what they do before. But you've had a harder time. They've told us that you sneak off at night when you think that their asleep and you go to the hospital and sleep by his bed at his side. And all of the free time that you have while the children are busy and you don't have work, you're at his side. You need to take a break, Y/n," Y/f/n said.

I sighed, my heavy crying fading into trickles of tears. 

"I don't want to, Y/f/n. And I can't. It's a full-time job with being the main character in a Broadway show, interviews about the show and Alex, taking care of 4 kids and 2 dogs. I can't just move on Y/f/n. He was my world, he helped me with everything. Now that he's in that hospital bed in a coma, I don't know what to do except shut out my emotions and carry on," I sighed, slowly getting up.

"5-minute call, 5 minutes, please start making your way to your spots," the overhead speaker called, making me jump up and run over, quickly adjusting the wig and putting on the makeup.

"And this is exactly why I don't let my emotions in, because they get in the way and screw things up," I huffed, finishing the makeup with about a minute left and running around backstage with Kerry and Y/f/n to get to our places.

We finally got to our places and another show began. But all I could think about as I performed was, 'What am I going to do if Alex dies?'

(Word Count: 1099)

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