Chapter 11

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KEY - I will post this at the beginning of every chapter as a reminder.

L/n - Last Name

Y/n - Your Name

Y/f/n - Your Friend's Name

Y/f/l/n - Your Friend's Last Name

f/c - favorite color

h/l - hair length

h/c - hair color

e/c - eye color


Y/n's POV

We have so many great times backstage, it's impossible to name them all. Let me tell you about this one time...

Kerry, Rob, and  I were running around backstage before the show, playing tag. Then Alex came along and swept me off my feet, and said in my ear,

"You're it."

I giggled and wiggled, trying to get him to put me down before Rob came over and tagged me.

"Alex! Rob's it, he's gonna get me if you don't put me down!" I exclaimed, still giggling.

"Well don't worry! There's a simple solution to our problem!" Alex exclaimed giddily.

He then put me onto his shoulders and ran away from Rob, calling to him,

"I'm playing too!"

After a little bit, and a lot more running around, the four of us went back to our dressing rooms to adjust our costumes and touch up our makeup, and then it was time for us to put on another show.

Now I would like to humor you, my dearest friends, with some of our on-stage mess-ups.

One time, instead of lighting Barbara's hand on fire, Kerry accidentally set her whole arm on fire. Then the audience got a true reaction from Barbara and Adam, and they both blew out the flames before they continued the show like nothing happened, drawing some laughter from the audience and the people backstage.

Another time, I missed my entrance for when the Deetz's are moving into the Maitlands old house. Instead of arriving on the couch, I walked in when the movers put down the couch, and I jumped over the back of the couch, laid down on it after jumping over it, and said,

"Hey Dad, does this couch make me look dead?"

This drew another round of laughter from the audience, and we carried on the show as if I had never missed my entrance in the first place, although we still joke about it sometimes.

To round off this section of stories, we finish with when That Beautiful Sound went slightly wrong.

So, it was all going according to plan, right? But then, I just HAD to confuse the stunt doubles with each other, and did the correct moves, but with the wrong stunt double. The whole thing resulted in me running around the stage like a lunatic, and throwing in some backflips, frontflips, and jumping really high into the air off of the couch, and doing a back handspring while I was at it. I was really proud of myself, because I did all of this without flashing anyone. 

But then when I got back onto the table for Alex to grab me and hold me around his waist, as soon as he lifted me up, I accidentally kicked one of the tables legs, and it broke. The table halfway collapsed until one of the stunt doubles quickly grab a book from the NPR tote bag that I would be given and balanced the leg between the book and the table, holding it together until the end of the show, while we were on stage, and he finished this while not being noticed too much by the audience. All in all, it was one of the best recoveries of a really bad onstage mess-up.

And to finish this up with something that brings us to the present is another story from before the last show we have performed before I got the call that changed my life forever...

We had about an hour until the show started, and all of us, Alex, Rob, Kerry, Y/f/n, Adam, and I, had gotten ready early, so now we were sitting in Adam's dressing room, talking and laughing.

"Hey Y/n?" Adam asked suddenly.

"Yeah?" I replied, turning to the couch, where he was sitting.

"We all know about our families, but you never talk about yours," Adam started, asking politely and nicely, "Would you be willing to tell us a little bit about them?"

"Hey, you don't have to, but I would also like to know," Y/f/n said, making Rob ask her,

"Do you not know a lot about Y/n's family either?"

"Not really, from what I understand, her parents don't like what she decided to do for a living," Y/f/n told him.

"I'll tell you guys," I sighed, beginning to explain, "When I was growing up, I was the youngest child in my family, and an unplanned one too. I have 4 siblings, three brothers, and one sister. My sister, Melissa, and I didn't get along at all, she was always such a mommy's girl, whereas I wasn't really respected between either of my parents.

"My sister is the oldest, being 41 years old now. Then my twin brothers, Owen and Riley, come next, at age 37. They were always closest to my father, and so I wasn't very close to them either. And lastly is my youngest brother, Eric, who is 28 years old. We were pretty close as children growing up, only being about 4 years apart in age, and both of our parents being occupied by their three other children.

"When I decided to go into acting and performing, my parents shunned me to the side and forgot that I even existed. They thought that I was a failure and that I would never make it anywhere doing that. My three oldest siblings already didn't like me, but after I decided to go into acting and performing, my parents separated Eric and me, and I haven't talked to any of my family since I was 17, which was when I went to college.

"I know that my three oldest siblings had children when they were pretty young, and all of their children already graduated from high school and are either in college or looking for colleges. I'm pretty sure that Eric has 4 children, Luke, Jessie, Violet, and Benny, or Ben for short. Luke is 14, Jessie is 13, Violet is 10, and Benny is 7," I concluded.

"So, how many nieces and nephews do you have?" Alex asked me, stunned.

"Um, let me think," I said, counting on my fingers, "I have 8 nieces and 7 nephews. So 15 children in total. And the oldest is only 1 year younger than me, making her 23 years old. My sister had her first child when she was 18, only a year after I was born. I have never met any of my nieces and nephews, and I've only seen my sister about 3 times, I think, and I've seen my twin brothers about 7 times."

Everyone just sat there, looking at each other, but mostly me, in shock, that is, until my phone rang...

(Word Count: 1169)

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