Chapter 16

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KEY - I will post this at the beginning of every chapter as a reminder.

Y/n - Your Name

Y/f/n - Your Friend's Name

f/c - favorite color

h/l - hair length

h/c - hair color

e/c - eye color


Y/n's POV

Another week went by rather quickly, the cast and children getting to know each other better. Violet was pretty absent at the shows that week, and instead going to her show and rehearsing. 

Her Broadway debut was on Tuesday night, and luckily, we had that night off, so her siblings, Alex, Kerry, Rob, Adam, Y/f/n, Kate, and I all had tickets to go and see her perform. All of us were so excited, and we couldn't wait to see how she would do. 

She only had about a week to practice her part, and most of that practicing she did backstage watching the girls who played Rose and Delphini perform. Monday night's show was the last show that had the girl who used to play Rose, and then on Tuesday it would be Violet's turn, or so we all thought, including Violet.

So on Tuesday night, we went and when Rose went on stage, it wasn't Violet. All of us were pretty confused, but we got our answer when Delphini came on stage. It turned out that the person that played Delphini went out sick at the last minute, and so Violet's understudy went on as Rose and Violet's Broadway debut was playing Delphini instead of Rose!

Later after the show, we got to go meet the cast because of two things. One, because most of us are in a Broadway show, and two, because we're either related to Violet or friends with her. 

So we got to meet the cast, along with the director and stage management and the child wrangler. We stayed there for about an hour, and then we went to get some dinner. 

The next few days went by in a blur. 

Then one day, our lives changed drastically. We were walking to the theatre and Alex was in the back of the group, and a car misinterpreted the color of the traffic lights, and went full speed ahead, running into Alex.

When the person driving the car noticed that they had run someone over, they sped away, not wanting to deal with a lawsuit or any trouble with the police right now. Let's just say that they ended up in jail for a few years.

When Alex got run over, Kerry immediately called 911 while I rushed over to Alex, crying, and Rob helped me carry him over to the sidewalk. Our crew came with, and we all were on the sidewalk either standing by or hovering over him. Our crew consisted of Jessie, Kerry, Rob, Adam, and Alex. Luke was practicing his sports, Benny was with his new band, The Flying Phoenix, and Violet was getting ready for playing Rose.

While Kerry called 911, I looked for Alex's pulse, and luckily I found one, although it was very faint. I also checked his breathing, and it was shallow but stable. It looked like he was unconscious, and his head was bleeding, along with his left leg and right arm.

I took off my light sweatshirt for the brisk November air, and I pressed it against his head to try and stop the bleeding. His arm was bent in a weird shape and his ankle looked a little funny. 

Kerry had called Timbers and told him what happened, and then the ambulance arrived. She let me call my children to tell them what had happened. Jessie was clinging on to Adam crying, while Adam tried to comfort her, and Rob was trying to keep people from getting too close and looking at him.

When the ambulance finally arrived, they were only gonna let me go with, but after enough insisting, they let Jessie get on as well. We had about 2 hours before the show when we got to the hospital. When we got to the hospital, they had Jessie and I wait in the waiting room and they rushed Alex to an emergency room. 

I called Kerry once we arrived and were in the waiting room,  and told her that we made it. After I finished talking with her, I called Luke to tell him the news.

"Hey, Mom!" He said cheerfully as he answered the phone.

"Hi, Luke. Alex is in the hospital right now in the emergency room. He was in a car accident. I have to call your siblings, but can you please come to the hospital?" I rushed, trying not to sound as if I was crying, trying to stay strong for my children.

He sounded worried and said he would come right away, and then hung up. I proceeded to call Violet and Benny and told them the news, and in half an hour they had joined Jessie and me in the waiting room, along with Kerry, Adam, and Rob.

While we were waiting for Alex to wake up, Kerry got a call from Timbers, and he said that they couldn't cancel tonight's show and that we had to put it on. And we would be able to put on the show, but Alex's understudy was on vacation. Kerry handed me the phone to talk it out with Timbers.

"So, what do you think we should do, Ms. Roline?" Timbers asked me.

"Well, Presley's out too, right? I can do Beetlejuice, I know all of his lines and dance moves. We would just need someone to play Lydia," I told him, and then I pulled the phone away from my mouth and asked Violet, "Hey, do you think you can play Lydia?"

"Yeah, probably," Violet shrugged.

"So, could we get someone to play Lydia then?" Timbers questioned.

"Yes, Violet said that she could do it," I said.

"Okay, well, I would suggest that you guys come to the theatre to get ready, the show starts in an hour and a half. I'll see you soon," Timbers said, hanging up.

"Okay, so here's what's going to happen," I told my family and friends, "We can't cancel tonight's show. So Kerry, Rob, and Adam, you're gonna be your usual characters. I'm going to be Beetlejuice and Violet will be Lydia. I'm going to have the rest of you come with us, I just don't feel comfortable leaving you three here alone with no adult. We'll come back tomorrow morning to check on him, and if something happens I'll get a call and I'll tell you guys. Now, the show starts in an hour and a half, so we better get going."

And so we headed to the theatre to put on another show, the news spreading around the cast about what happened to Alex, and what is going to happen to him in the future.

(Word Count: 1150)

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