Chapter 24

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KEY - I will post this at the beginning of every chapter as a reminder.

Y/n - Your Name

Y/f/n - Your Friend's Name

f/c - favorite color

h/l - hair length

h/c - hair color

e/c - eye color


Before I start this chapter, I just wanted to say, WHAT THE HECK?!? On the first day that Chapter 23 is up, I got so many notifications. I feel blessed, truly. I'm so confused and grateful. Also, thank you guys so much for 118 votes and 4k views! Honestly, I would have ditched this story chapters ago because I would have just given up and moved on to the next thing, but you guys inspire me to keep going. After reading so many stories on Wattpad, I know how it is to be left on a cliffhanger forever, and I don't want to do that you, so I won't. Thanks for helping me continue to work on this! I love you all so so so much! Anyway, enough of my spiel. Enjoy!

Jessie's POV

Today was Luke's 15 birthday, and everyone was excited. We planned a surprise birthday party for him, with everyone coming over. 

The plan was to have one of Luke's friends distract him by playing video games at one of their houses so that we could set up everything and get everyone over.

Finally, it was 9 am and we finally had shipped Luke off to his friends house, making it seem rushed and like we forgot about his birthday being today altogether. We all felt really bad, but we had to be as convincing as possible. Besides, we usually rush Luke off to go play with his friends anyway, so this wasn't new. We just wanted him to have fun all the time.

Anyway, once Luke had left, Y/f/n, Kerry, and Rob came over to help us decorate and set everything up. An hour later, Adam and Luke's other friends that weren't keeping him busy showed up and helped us out with the finishing touches.

Now, it was 11, and Luke's friend that he was playing video games with texted Luke's other friends to tell them that he was walking Luke home. 

We all scrambles to get into our hiding places to surprise him once he got here, and we were all whispering and giggling loudly, all of us trying to stay quiet but failing. 

When the doorbell rang right before Luke and his friend entered, we all shushed each other excitedly. When the door opened, we all counted to three and yelled,


Then all of us broke off into little groups, some of us going over to Luke right away to wish him a happy birthday, and the rest of us talking to our friends and having fun. 

The day was jam packed with fun, including laser tag, nerf gun battles, and a football game. Near the end, we ate dinner, then we gave Luke his cake and sang him happy birthday. After cake we did presents.

He got so many new things that he seemed really excited about, whether it was a basketball, football, and soccerball from Y/f/n, or a new gaming console from his family, he loved it all and thanked everyone so much that it almost got annoying. 

Soon it was the end of the day, and sadly everyone went home, but little did we know that tomorrow would come with big things, and change our lives forever.

It was January 17th, the day after Luke's birthday, and we, meaning Alex, Luke, Violet, Jessie, Benny, Rob, Kerry, Adam, Y/f/n, Kate, and Trevon went to Central Park to hang out, bringing along Kevin and Logan.

We were all laughing and talking to each other, when suddenly Kate said,

"I'm done, I'm just done with this. Why are you two playing these games with me?"

We all turned to watch the scene going on with Kate, Trevon, and Y/f/n.

"What do you mean Kate?" Y/f/n asked, really confused, and it was definitely showing.

"You two are trying to win over my love! Trevon, I will have you know that I am in a relationship with Y/f/n at the moment, and that you should stop trying to hang out with me alone so much!" Kate yelled, standing up and turning on Trevon.

"Oh, don't act all innocent!" Trevon yelled back, also standing up, "If you want me to stop asking you to hang out with me alone, then stop accepting the offer every time! And I now know that you're still in a relationship with Y/f/n-" 

"Then you should back off on your attempts to make me be your girlfriend!" 

"Then maybe hang out with your own girlfriend more than you hang out with me!" Trevon screamed, his face getting slightly red along with Kate's.

"Well then give me some room to breathe so that I can do so!" Kate shouted, people now starting to pay attention to the two.

"Then actually do what you said you did!" Trevon retorted, "You know what I'm talking about."

"No I don't!" Kate said defiantly, crossing her arms.

"Oh sure, cause you said that you broke up with Y/f/n, but you didn't. So now you're dating Y/f/n and I at the same time! When were you gonna cut one of us off, huh? Where you ever going to?" Trevon accused her.

"You're making that up! I only love Y/f/n!" Kate said, her arguement getting weaker and weaker.

"Oh really, if that's the case, then were you faking all of the times that we've kissed in the past month since we've been dating?" Trevon revealed, make all of us gasp.

Y/f/n just stared at them going back and forth in shock, trying to silently pull herself together. Kate also seemed speechless, not being able to come up with a comeback that wouldn't bury herself deeper into this mess. After a few minutes, Y/f/n  stood up to face Kate and asked her,

"So, since you seem to be dating Trevon and I at the same time, and I'm pretty sure that we don't want you to be dating both of us at the same time, I think you have a decision to make. Who do you want to date, Trevon or me?"

Kate looked back and forth at them from a few minutes, seeming undecided, before she finally made a decision.

"Okay. I really don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but it seems like I already have, so I'm just gonna go for it. I'm sorry Y/f/n, but I'm gonna keep dating Trevon."

"W-w-w-what d-did you s-say?" Y/f/n asked her, trying to hold back her tears.

"Y/f/n, I'm breaking up with you."

(Word Count - 1117)

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