Chapter 2

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KEY - I will post this at the beginning of every chapter as a reminder.

L/n - Last Name

Y/n - Your Name

Y/f/n - Your Friend's Name

Y/f/l/n - Your Friend's Last Name

f/c - favorite color

h/l - hair length

h/c - hair color

e/c - eye color


Y/n's POV

"Hey Y/n! It's so good to see you again, I haven't seen you in forever!" Y/f/n yelled, walking towards me.

I laughed, saying,

"Y/f/n, you don't need to yell!"

"Sorry, Y/n" Y/f/n chuckled, reaching me and playfully hitting my arm.

"And it hasn't been forever, I saw you at my graduation party," I giggled.

"But that was like, a month ago babes, it's been so long!" She laughed.

"So, I'm assuming you're ready to audition?" I asked her.

"Yep," She nodded, "Thanks for the advice, by the way, it was really helpful."

"No problem, I want you to get in the show more than I want me to get in the show!" I chuckled.

"Me too, babes!" Y/f/n replied smoothly.

"Hey!" I yelled, causing people to stare at us weirdly, making both of us giggle.

"So, what are all of the positions available?" Y/f/n asked me.

"Well, it looks like there are 3 ensemble positions, and then Delia and Lydia," I said, reading off of a sign, "Who are you going for?"

"Delia or an ensemble member, Lydia has too many lines for me," Y/f/n said, making us both laugh, "Who are you going for babes?"

"You already know BJ," I smirked, making Y/f/n giggle.

"Are you two lesbian?" Someone standing in line asked us, looking slightly disgusted.

"No, I'm gay and she's pan, back off dude, you don't know our lives," Y/f/n retorted, the stranger saying.

"Whatever, you two ruined it for me, I'm out," They got out of line, shouting back at me, "I hope your pans like you back kid!"

"Ugh, people never understand what pansexual means, do they?" I asked Y/f/n.

"Nope," She replied, popping the p, "You wanna remind people what it means?"

"Sure," I shrugged, shouting, "Hey folks, pansexual doesn't mean that the person likes pans, it means that they like boys, girls, basically all types of people, including genderfluid, while bisexual means that you only like boys and girls. Gay, or Lesbian, means that you like people that have the same gender as you. Gay is used for boys and girls, while Lesbian is used for just girls. Thanks for letting me give you a lesson about the LGBTQ+ community!!!"

"Thanks, kid!" A stranger yelled back at me, making me smile.

"Yeah! Way to go babes!" Y/f/n told me, high-fiving me.

Soon enough we were at the beginning of the line, with not many people left behind us. We didn't really think that we would get in, after all, there had been about 950 people before us audition, with about 50 people left to go after us.

"Y/f/n, your up next," A lady with a clipboard called.

"Wish me luck babes!" Y/f/n said.

"Good luck, have fun kiddo!" I yelled after her, making her smile at me before she disappeared around the corner.

My Creepy Old Guy (Alex Brightman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now