Chapter 13

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KEY - I will post this at the beginning of every chapter as a reminder.

L/n - Last Name

Y/n - Your Name

Y/f/n - Your Friend's Name

Y/f/l/n - Your Friend's Last Name

f/c - favorite color

h/l - hair length

h/c - hair color

e/c - eye color


Y/n's POV

When my flight landed, I got off the plane with Logan and my carry-on bag and went to the rental car place to get the car that I had rented to get to Eric's house, where the children were staying. 

When I got to the house, I quietly unlocked the door and walked in, shutting it and locking it behind me. I silently took off my shoes, jacket, and Logan's leash and vest before going to the guest bedroom with Logan, setting down my things, and laying down on the bed, Logan jumping up to meet me.

We fell asleep for a few hours and woke up around 7 am. I got up and Logan followed me, and we went to the kitchen to see if any of the children were up. As we were walking, we heard 2 voices, and when we stepped into the kitchen, I saw what looked to be Violet and Benny sitting at the counter talking in quiet voices.

"Hey, guys!" I said, walking over to them, startling them, "I'm your aunt Y/n."

"Oh, are you the one that is going to be taking us?" Violet asked.

"Yes, I'm going to bring you guys to my house to live with me," I told them.

"Well, I'm Benny and this is Violet," Benny spoke up.

They were looking me over, mostly because they hadn't seen me before, and I hadn't seen them before either, only in the few pictures Eric sent to me.

"Our siblings should be up soon, if not already," Violet added.

"Do you guys like dogs?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yes!" They said in excited whispers.

"Our dad never let us get a dog, he said it was too much work, and he didn't think that we could take care of our own dog," Violet explained.

"Well, this is my service dog Logan," I said, introducing Logan to them.

In no time were they petting him, Logan giving them hugs and kisses, the two young children giggling on the floor.

"Good morning," two voices said from the door, sounding a little older than Benny and Violet's.

"Good morning," I said, turning to look at the two children that just walked in.

"Is that a dog?" the older girl said, walking over and bending down to pet him, the older boy following her.

"Yes, his name is Logan, he's my service dog," I said, following them and sitting on a stool near the counter next to them.

"Nice to meet you," the girl said, standing up to look at me, "I'm pretty sure you have met my younger siblings, Benny and Violet. I'm Jessie, and my brother that joined us is Luke."

"Nice to meet you too Jessie, I'm your aunt Y/n," I said, shaking hands with the proper young girl.

"May I ask, why do you need a service dog?" Jessie asked me, catching the attention of her siblings as well.

"I have a condition called Panic Disorder, it's where I have panic attacks, mostly for no reason. Logan helps me cope with them, and makes them end sooner. And, since I've had him, they're less frequent, only about 1 every 3 days," I explained, the children nodding.

"He's so cute! I love him!" Violet squealed, hugging Logan again, who in turn, kissed her cheek.

"Well good, 'cause you're gonna be living with him for a long time," I smiled down at the four children that were now mine.

The rest of the day went by in a blur, and a lot of crying, mostly from the children. They knew my family a lot more than I did, even though I had grown up with a lot of them. I comforted them with the help of Logan, and eventually, we finished the funeral for our family, and we headed back to their place for the night.

I helped them pack because we would be heading out to the airport early in the morning, around 3 am. We went to bed for the night around 8, and then we got up at 2 am to get ready and get our stuff into the rental car, and then we went to the airport. 

Our flight went pretty well, none of them had been on a plane before, so it was a little weird for them. I had Benny, Violet, and Jessie sit in a row together, and across the aisle sat Luke, and I sat in the middle seat next to him, Logan sitting in Violet's lap.

When we landed, we went to the baggage claim to get their bags, and then we drove to my house in a car that I had rented. When we got to my house, I dropped the rental car off at a rental place that I lived by, and then I walked back.

The children were waiting for me in the living room, and when I got back I showed them their rooms, which they loved, and I helped them unpack, Logan running all over the house and sitting on our feet, which made all of us laugh.

When the time reached 3 pm, I told them that I had to go to work soon, and so they asked what my job was. So I sat them down in the living room, and I explained,

"So, I work on Broadway, in a show called Beetlejuice. I play Lydia Deetz, the main character. You guys can come with, but if you are backstage, you have to be watched by an adult, they're called a child wrangler. There has to be one if there are people younger than 16 backstage.

"You guys have one, so if you guys want to come with me and Logan, you can. And you can watch the show backstage."

"Wait a minute," Jessie said, looking at me wide-eyed, the rest of the children doing the same, "You're on Broadway, playing a lead role of one of our favorite musicals!?!"

"Beetlejuice is one of your favorite musicals?" I asked them, them nodding vigorously back, "Well then yes."

"Can we meet Alex Brightman and Kerry Butler and Rob Mcclure, and Y/f/n Y/f/l/n!" Violet asked me excitedly.

"Yes, and do you guys like Alex Brightman?" I asked them nervously.

"Yes!" The four children said excitedly.

"Good. I have to tell you guys something, but I want to tell you there," I said, getting up to go.

"So we can come with?" Luke said, bursting with joy.

"Yes, now, we live close, so do you guys want to walk with me to the Winter Garden Theatre?" I asked them happily.

"YES!" The children yelled, running to the door to get their shoes on.

I smiled, walking after them and putting on my shoes. I put Logan's vest and collar on, and then I opened the door, we all walked out, and I locked the door behind us, and then we walked to the Winter Garden Theatre, the children bursting with excitement, making me smile and tell Logan,

"This is going to be a good day, I just know it."

(Word Count: 1226)

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