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A/N: Hey! Double update for today again. A comment from a reader made me really happy! I appreciate those who comments to say that you really like my story. It just fuels me to write and update more. Thank you so much!! Anyway, enjoy the chapter :^)


Me and my team arrived in front of the abandoned building. Nayeon and the others were left inside the van while other policemen hired by the JYPE are with my men.

I gestured the men to standby in every mode of entry and encircle around the building. I went with the Alpha team and the leader signaled the others before kicking all doors open.

I entered the building with caution and alertness. I was already sweating bullets as I scan the deserted corridors. I held my gun tightly and gave a signal to my men to split up and open every room found.

I went up the stairs with the other policemen and someone suddenly connected to my earpiece so I answered it.

[Miss, we found the surveillance room. Miss Chou is at the very top floor inside the last room to the left.]

I nodded, "Okay. I order the Alpha and Beta team to move ahead of me."

[Copy and out.]

I'm coming for you, Tzuyu. Please hang on. I thought while cautiously walking upstairs. The whole building was eerily quiet. I was expecting one of the Kim's best combat group here inside to fight us.

Something is definitely wrong here and I have a feeling about this. I already reached the top floor and the room where I hope that Tzuyu is inside, alive and breathing. Policemen are scattered around the floor. I looked around and contacted the Alpha team but no one answered. I contacted the Beta team but same thing as the other group. I contacted the others but no one reached my call. I cursed internally as I decided to twist the door knob open, ready for anything that may happen even if I'm just by myself.

I saw Tzuyu in the middle of the room and I almost cried at the sight. She's unconscious, full of bruises and dried blood. Fucking hell!

I walked slowly inside the room and just as I was a meter away from Tzuyu, someone suddenly threw a knife-hand strike on my nape which almost made me faint from the said force of the action. I accidentally threw my gun before I knelt down.

Suho laughed behind me, "I must say your men are quite a headache to take down but we managed."

I started to crawled towards the pistol but Suho walked towards me and stepped on my hand. I shouted in pain and he threw a strong, solid kick on my stomach. I coughed up blood and Suho rolled my body so I was already lying down on my back.

Suho knelt down, "Look, I'll make a deal with you. I leave your girlfriend alone but here's the catch, you have to marry me."

I gritted my teeth. I threw a punch at him which he didn't expect so Suho went out of balance and I reached for the gun but I was an inch short.

Fucking hell!

Suho suddenly held my collar and punched me. I tried to stand up but he just continued to kick me away.

"Accept my offer, Sana. Or might as well consider your girlfriend dead,"

He grabbed my pistol from the floor and pointed it at Tzuyu's head.

"Why the fuck are you even doing this?" I asked to buy time to think of a way out but I'm starting to lose hope

He chuckled, "I lied, okay? Your rejection hurt me and I pretended to be gay just so I can plot a plan for you to marry me. I've been so obsessed with your beauty ever since you started working inside the company."

I slowly stood up with a trembling body, tears streamed down my face, and Suho held the trigger tightly, "W-Woah. Easy there, buddy... I'll marry you so please release Tzuyu now..."

I begged in front of him. As much as this hurts me and Tzuyu, I have to let her go. I don't want her to be involve in this kind of shit. This is my problem so I have to take responsibility.

He smirked and gestured me to come close to him, still pointing the gun at Tzuyu's head. I obeyed and smiled at him, tears still streaming down my face. Suho asked, "How can I make sure that you're serious about this?"

Tzuyu stirred awake. Our eyes met each other so I pulled Suho's collar and his lips landed on mine. Just as Suho tried to deepen the kiss, I lowered the gun on Tzuyu which Suho unconsciously obeyed and I immediately reached for the knife inside my blazer jacket to stab him. I grabbed the gun and pointed it at him.

Suho looked at me, terrified. He bled and lied down the floor, "Fuck you, Minatozaki!"

I walked towards Suho and pointed the gun at him, "Well fuck you too, you piece of shit!"

He raised his hands, "P-Please! Don't kill me! I-I promise I won't disturb you ever a-again. Just please d-don't kill me!"

I scoffed, "You'd just come after us."

I pulled the trigger. The sound of the gun echoed throughout the whole building. I blasted a bullet just right beside Suho's head. He was breathing heavily and eventually fainted. Policemen barged inside the room and captured Suho.

"Suffer in prison forever, you asshole!" I spat while policemen are cuffing him up

I ran to Tzuyu and untied her. I carried her and left everyone inside the room. When I reached the ground floor, I saw Mr. Kim with cuffs inside the police car. The other girls ran towards me and I told them to meet me at the hospital.

They all nodded before going inside the van. I went inside my car, gently placed Tzuyu on the backseat, before starting the engine to drive to the hospital.

Please stay with me, Tzuyu. I thought

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