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Tzuyu was already admitted in the hospital. Me and the girls are here in front of ICU room, waiting nervously for the doctor's report. I continuously walked back and forth while sweating bullets, nervously thinking about Tzuyu's health.

"Sana, please sit down for a second. I know we are all worried but you should rest and treat your wounds," Mina said worriedly

I shook my head and said, "These wounds are nothing compared to what I'm feeling right now, Mina. I can't lose Tzuyu. I don't want to lose her..."

Tears started to stream down my face. My knees started to tremble but I remain standing. The girls eyed me worriedly but they let me do my thing.

It's been some time before the doctor went out, "Who are relatives of miss Chou Tzuyu?"

"Her mother is on the way but we are her friends," Nayeon said, anticipating what the doctor will say

He nodded and gave us a small smile, "She's stable now. Although she lost a lot of blood, dehydrated and was hungry, we have already taken care of that. We will move her to her room now. Excuse me..."

The doctor walked away and all of us sighed in relief.

Tzuyu is still unconscious but her wounds are treated now. I sat beside her bed with Momo and Mina while the other members got back to their dorm to pack some clothes. Tzuyu's mother arrived already and we talked for some time. We got to know each other and I'm happy that she's fine with my relationship to Tzuyu.

Shortly, the members got back inside the room and I excused myself. I asked a nurse to treat my wounds and it only took a few minutes before I thanked her and left the room. I walked back to Tzuyu's room, only to find my girlfriend who's already awake.

Tzuyu's eyes met mine and we smiled at each other. I walked up to her and kissed her forehead.

"Oh, they're back at it again. Let's go girls. I don't want to witness them flirting to each other again," Jihyo said which made everyone laugh

They volunteered to buy food and left. Tzuyu's mother called someone and left the room also. Tzuyu and I were silent before she initiated the talk.

"You kissed Suho," she said, pouting

I chuckled, "I had to do it, baby. I'm sorry. There was no meaning to it."

Tzuyu suddenly leaned in and kissed me in the lips. I deepened the kiss and we stayed like that for a few minutes before pulling away.

"There. I erased that disgusting Suho from your lips now," she said and smiled widely, showing her dimples

I playfully shook my head and said, "I'm only yours, Tzuyu. I love you so much."

Tzuyu smiled widely, "I love you too, Sana. Thank you for saving me."

"I will always be there to save you no matter how dangerous it is. I promise to put your safety first before mine," I said before leaning in for another passionate kiss

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