A splendid Day

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I was sheding tears sitting in the park when I recalled I left my phone at Taehyung's place. I at first was hesitating tu go there but then I thought how will I communicate with business companies during work so I didn't wait another second and rushed to his place.

I was at the door. I rang the doorbell and waited for a bit but there was no response. I didn't hesitate to go inside on my own.

I thought that till now Jungkook must have left so I started calling "Taehyung".

I heard a moan from the bedroom and I rushed to it. What I saw was something I didn't expect at all.

Jungkook and Taehyung were each kept in a corner of the room against the wall like a sack of potatoes. They were really badly injured.

"What happened?" I gasped.

They weren't able to speak. I panicked and called the ambulance. Soon we were at the hospital and they both were kept in the same ward, their beds were beside the other's.

I waited long enough for them to wake up and finally they were awake. I didn't wait any longer and left the place.

It was already 8 AM. I went to work. I was going through the files when Mr. Min entered. He asked "isn't it a splendid day?"

"Splendid indeed" I said with sarcasm.

"But...?" He paused as he was asking me why was I a frown faced doll today.

"But something happened" I sighed.

"What?" He asked in surprise.

I explained the whole thing to him from the very start.

"Seriously, those bastards!" It was an angry tone "they can't even do one thing without screwing up"

I chuckled hearing this but I was still angry. I continued my work.

I completed my today's work and was heading home when Mr. Min offered a ride home to me. I accepted it.

We were almost there when he said "forgive me for who you are gonna see now".

I understood in an instant what was he talking about "you really want it to work don't you?" I chuckled.

Authors note

I wanted to write more, I really did but I have so much work to catch up on....but I know u guys are gonna love the next part.

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