Saji: hey what's going on here!
The assholes then got up and dusted themselves off before I could say anything they said.
RB: this guy just started attacking us.
RB3: yeah we didn't even do anything.
RB2: yeah we was minding our own business.
RB4: yeah what they said.
Saji: alright your coming with me.
Ryo: wait don't I get a say.
Saji: there are 4 of them against you I believe them over someone who transferred here yesterday.
I then hear.
???: Really that's how the student council works.
I looked over to where the voice came from and I saw her rias gremory I used observe.
Name: rias gremory.
Gender: female.
Race: pure blooded devil.
Title: president of the occult research club.
Fame: sirzecks little sister.
Sacred gear: none.
HP: 1250/1250
MP: 1000/1000
Intelligence: 50
Wisdom: 50
Luck: 20
Saji: miss gremory I was just taking this guy to the student council for fighting people without any reason.
Rias: as I know you wouldn't let have his say in this why is that.
Saji: I have 4 people here saying that he attacked them for no reason I've known them longer then him so I'm inclined to believe them.
Rias: that hardly seems fair when they are the ones who tried to hurt him.
Saji's eyes widened at that.
Saji: what do you mean.
Rias: I mean that I saw them attack ryo was it it was something about koneko being there's when I know she hasn't talked to them before.
They all pale at this saji saw this and asked.
Saji: ryo is this true.
Ryo: yes it is but since there is 2 more witnesses then what I have I'm still in trouble.
They all looked better after that.
Saji: no I don't think so I know rias wouldn't lie to get someone out of trouble I'm going to go look at the secretary cameras come with me to the student council.
Time skip.
Sona: so why do we have to look at the secretary cameras.
Rias: because we need proof that that ryo here didn't start a fight.
Time skip.
Sona: saji I told you multiple times to not judge until you get the facts.
Saji: I'm sorry.
Sona: ryo I apologise for saji please forgive him your free to go.
Ryo: thanks.
I then left to cooking class yay note the sarcasm as I go in there the teacher isn't here yet I got to mine and koneko's station I see she already here I then sat down on the stools we had at the station as koneko looks at me.
Koneko: morning.
Ryo: morning I ran in to your fan club.
Her eyes widened at that.
Koneko: you mean the 4 pervs that are in to loli's.
I looked at here and I knew I was asking for trouble but.
Ryo: so your admitting that your a loli.
I saw she had a light blush on her face she then flicked my forward.
Ryo:*whining* oww.
I rubbed my forehead with my hand she then noticed the gloves on my hands.
Koneko: why are you wearing gloves.
Ryo:(shit) umm m-my hands get cold Easley.
Koneko looks like she doesn't believe it.
Koneko: take them off.
Ryo: but my hands are c-cold.
Oh come on even in this life I stutter when I lie.
Koneko: fine I'll do it my self if your not hiding anything I'll apologize and give you a chocolate bar.
Ryo: but that's not fair I'll definitely w-win.
Koneko:(he stutters when he lies.) Then you shouldn't have a problem with it.
I put my hand on the table as she took the first one off I saw her expression darken as she held her head down to wear I couldn't see it she carefully took off the other one but it hurt a little.
Ryo: ow not so rough.
I saw her look at the cuts with anger in her eyes she then looked up at me and asked.
Koneko: those 4 guys did they do this to you.
Ryo: what no they didn't.
Koneko: ok then how did this happen.
I looked away from her and scratched my chin as I say.
Ryo:*sheepishly* well I tried to cut veggies like you showed me this morning and it didn't end well.
I looked at her as I saw her smile a small one but I could make it out she then got back to a worrying expression as she went over to the first aid kit and brought it over to me.

DxD Gamer
FanfictionA guy dies and gets put in a dxd gamer world. #1- in Gamer November 8th.