chapter 113

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Time skip.

It's been almost an hour they was all exhausted not one wasn't sweating bullets, even Asia she's been having to heal them all but I kept using observe on them and they all have been going up in levels quicker then I thought, they would so that's good I had a table sat up for them along with sleeping bags on the ground I had a bunch of snack that Sanji prepared before we left for here I had a bunch of mp stamina and HP potions on said table to for them as well I was currently at my portable black Smith house working on armor for gowther and a weapon for ban I knew what kind they both wanted I asked the others if they wanted anything they said no, I then heard footsteps coming towards me I looked and saw my peerage battered and beaten by them but they defeated them, I paused the dungeon as so they could rest for a little while as they all say down, they all went for the potions getting settled down they started to eat and rest.

Time skip.

After they all rested I got gowther to try on his armor he liked it.

After they all rested I got gowther to try on his armor he liked it

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I then gave ban his weapon.

He then swings it around getting in to a fighting stance as he then smirked

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He then swings it around getting in to a fighting stance as he then smirked.

Ryo: now that you all are rested.

I smirked a sadistic smirk as a few pale at this as I turned the dungeon back on and  saw them all go off to fight more army's of enemies.

Big time skip.

Day 15

This is the 15th day we've been in here they are are all now above level 300 which is fucking awesome I also have Asia morning star Aldan that I got from Merlin and now she can heal people from so much farther away along with actually being able to attack with it she can shoot lightning at enemies along with a protection spell called perfect cube I know she must have learned it from Merlin her spirit is sealed in that morning star Aldan I haven't said anything about it her spirit is free from trihexa so that's awesome after this fight however I'm going to have to talk to her, her knowledge can come in handy I then saw morgiana kick the head off of the last enemy as they walk over I ask Asia.

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