Time skip after everything is moved in.
I saw sanji come out of the kitchen he decided that's his domain and forbid me from going in there I snuck in and took a chocolate bar as I hear from behind me.
Sanji: oh a chocolate thief.
Ryo: shit.
I then ran out of the kitchen as sanji chased me.
Sanji: get back here you little sneak!
Ryo: your going to have to try better then that.
Sanji: why you!
This goes on for another 5 minutes.
Zora: is it always like this?
Alucard: pretty much.
Zora: good.
Asia: yeah it is.
I then jumped up to the second floor.
Ryo: oh I got a text from sirzecks.
Sona: what does it say?
Ryo: tells me to be ready he's picking me up for the rest of my reward from beating a prink.
Sona: what all did you get from killing him.
Ryo: well the evil pieces let's see hmm oh yeah that's a secret.
Sanji: well your not going anywhere until you eat.
Ryo: ok.
I won't complain about that we all then went in to the kitchen to see biscuits and gravy bacon fried Apple's eggs my mouth was watering.
Time skip.
Sanji: now that's something I haven't seen in a while.
Zora: your telling me.
Asia: what's that?
Sanji: a bottomless pit.
Ryo: hey I'm a growing boy.
Orphis: technically Dragon.
Ryo: oh shove it.
Orphis: I'd like to shove you in my-
Ryo: enough my innocent ears can't handle that.
Koneko/sona: innocent my ass.
They both looked at each other.
Koneko: you fucked him too?
Sona:*light blush* y-yes.
Zora: huh we got us a lady's man.
Ryo: oh shut it.
I then hear the doorbell.
Ryo: would you look at that time for me to go.
I then ran at the door opening it to reveal sirzecks in jeans and a t-shirt.
Ryo: welcome to the crap cafe.
Sirzecks:*sigh* come on.
I followed him.
Time skip
As we walked in front of a store I saw that it say.
Ryo: lightning Dragon works really?
Sirzecks: you left me to the shark's.
Ryo: technically shark but whatever I like it.
Sirzecks: come on I'll show you where everything is.
I do as he says I saw that there was so many racks I also saw that there was some in the windows.
Sirzecks: you see I put a spell on this place to where only people that know of the supernatural can cone in to here or even see this place.
Ryo: ok.
Sirzecks: also I've notified the angel and fallen angel factions to let them know that your open today.
Ryo: thanks.
He then gave me a key.
Ryo: thanks.
I then went to a the wall and saw hooks everywhere to hang weapons up I then began taking weapons class A on the walls after I was done I put my Class B bows on a rack that was in a corner I then put a bunch of arrows right by them I the put up my class B katanas on another rack after that I put a bunch of different potions behind the register and put a bunch of rings and other jewelry in to the glass display case I then started to hang up my class S weapons behind the counter so I would half to get them down for people after I was do e I saw that it wasn't full not even half way but it's a start I then hear the door open I looked and I saw someone come in.
Ryo: hello how can I help you.
I quickly used observe on him.
Name: Arthur Pendragon.
Gender: male.
Race: human.
Title: holy sword weilder.
Fame: king Arthur's grandson.
Sacred gear : none.
Level: 220
Strength: 200
Endurance: 210
Agility: 220
Intelligence: 220
Wisdom: 220
Luck: 80
Arthur: are you ryo the apparent holy Sword maker.
Ryo: last time I checked.
Arthur: my name is Arthur Pendragon I want to see your holy Sword and your demonic sword if you wouldn't mind.
Ryo: sure.
I then took them out of my inventory as I can see his eyes widened.
Arthur it's actually true you are a maker of holy and demonic swords.
Ryo: well yeah.
Arthur: I can't believe it there's actually someone who can make these how was you able.
Ryo: in order to make these I had to have a pure and corrupted souls to do so but I can't just kill a devil and angel without me being killed so I made a fake ones but have the same effects.
Arthur: I see.
I then put my Swords away.
Arthur: I'll be back in a few days.
Ryo: see ya.
I then see him leave and I turned around to place a few more potions but I heard the door open again and I see 2 girls with chest nut hair and blue hair with a green part to it.

DxD Gamer
FanfictionA guy dies and gets put in a dxd gamer world. #1- in Gamer November 8th.