chapter 73

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Ryo: oh I can use all magic.

Everyone: eeehhhhhhh!


Makarov: wait what do you mean all types.

Ryo: oh I just know a lot of types you see I have a sacred gear known as Indura the lightning Dragon God of chaos and as his user I have gained the ability to master all types of magic isn't that right indura.

Just then my gauntlets appeared.

Indura: that's right and he's quite good but in my opinion not good enough.

Ryo:*whining* heeey I'm awesome thank you very much!

I cross my arms over my chest pouting.

Indura: you may have a lot of skills but you lack proper experience you have lucked out so many times you've almost completely destroyed your body to protect everyone but you always just use those damn potions of yours which without them you'd be dead for sure you literally don't take a break your luck will run out and trust me when I say it will be bad.

I was speechless sure I throw myself in to dangerous situations but I'm not reckless I was gonna say something but before I could.

Makarov: my boy you may be strong but not just one person can hold the weight of the world on their shoulders trust me I know we all know this that is why we are there for one another what we can't do alone we have our friends to help us I'm sure you have friends that you think rely on you but I bet they're hurting because they watch you get hurt for their sack they may not say anything but I bet that they felt useless when they see you get hurt your so young and yet you're with so much burden you need to relish the fact that they are your family and that they are there for you.

It can't be can it they don't hurt because I throw myself in front of them and the enemies can they?

Ryo: *Shakey* no t-thats not t-true.

Just then I hear.

???: It's in your eyes kid you know it but you don't want to believe it.

I turn around to see.

I turn around to see

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Makarov: laxus.

Laxus: kid trust me when I say I've made mistakes almost brought the guild to it's knee's but enough of that the reason why I even bring it up is because I hurt my friends my family thinking that power was all the guild needed but my friends brought me back to reality that I'm not the strongest in this world I know that now but they hurt because of me I know this sounds weird but.

He then get up and comes over to me putting his hand on my shoulder and says.

Laxus: trust in your family kid they are all you have in this world your friends are you family they love ya that much I can tell.

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