chapter 32

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I then started to fly I was weird at first but I got used to it I then remembered my rewards for doing a few quests I then looked at my inventory and I saw something incredible.


Skill book: fire dragon Slayer magic

Details: this magic has been lost for thousands of years this book teaches you how to use fire Dragon iron fist/ fire Dragon wing attack/fire Dragon flame elbow/fire dragon fists/ fire Dragon roar/ fire Dragon brilliant flame and fire dragon sacred art flame lotus exploding flame blades this skill doubles your current magical power.

Skill book: lightning Dragon Slayer magic.

Details: this magic has been lost for thousands of years this book teaches you how to use lightning dragon hard fist/lightning Dragon talon/lightning Dragon roar/ lightning Dragon destruction fist/ lightning Dragon heavenly havoc/ and lightning Dragon sacred art rolling thunder this skill doubles your current magical power.

Would you like to learn these skills?

I thought yes as quick as I could I loved the show.

Indura: well looks like your technical a dragon Slayer.

Ryo: yep but I already killed a few dragons so it's fitting.

Indura: whatever so your going to try out those new powers.

Ryo: oh definitely.

Indura: well to start off try channeling your emotions in to your flames.

I do what he says as I do I can feel the intense heat radiating from them.

Indura: your emotions is what control's your dragon Slayer magic you must learn to breath in the magic in the air it's what helps to replenish your magical power.

I do as he says my flames get darker color and I now see that I must use my feelings to use them.

Skill aquired: flames of emotion: this passive skill allows you to have your flames to be fueled by raw emotions.

Ryo: but what about my lightning Dragon Slayer magic.

Indura: that's rather difficult to explain you see lightning is just another form of fire you must learn to weild your flames first before that so that you can use the lightning of the dragon.

Ryo: I don't understand.

Indura: your body can't handle it you must become stronger.

Ryo: oh is that all.

Indura: in mind and body.

Ryo: fuck.

Indura: *sigh* look your a smart kid I'm glad your my partner but you need to take a break from this training your body may not keep up do you understand your still to young your so much stronger then any devil's fallen angels and angels or any supernatural beings your age do you under stand that.

Ryo: indura I know that I'm strong but I'm not strong enough you seen Azazel's stats he so much more powerful than me what if he was to turn against the devil's then my friend's and family would be at risk.

My flames was coming out at this point they surrounded me in a firery aura.

Ryo: and I will do anything to protect them under stand that if I have to take on any one be it fallen angels angels or devil's I would take on the whole world to protect them.

Indura: ryo.

Ryo: indura trust me I can do this.

Indura: fine but don't under any circumstances use the lightning Dragon Slayer magic if you do you could go in to a raging state do you understand and take a break after this.

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