chapter 22

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Time skip

Today was the day I help koneko bring her stuff here we put it off till today it's Wednesday we haven't been to school koneko was having a limp cause of our fun so she stayed I stayed with her since I have good enough grades to I was right now in my blacksmith shop I was right now trying to make a decent short sword with a few vampire fangs fused in to it alucard was meditating with Asia right outside alucard told her it helps to increase magic power I finally finished as I hear.

Blacksmithing has leveled up: level 33/100.

I then used observe on the short sword.


Vampiric Slayer.


This short sword is infused with vampire fangs this increases the speed of the user and increases the magical power of all vampire attacks.

I saw that this short sword had a blood red aura around it I also made it a container I then went to alucard he got up.

Ryo: hey alucard I wanted to give you this.

I held it out to him he takes it out and looks at the blade wide eyed.

Alucard: you crafted this?

Ryo: yup.

Alucard: it's incredible thank you.

Ryo: no problem.

I then went to where koneko was she in the kitchen scrubbing the counter cause I tried to make the blender work and it didn't end well I used sneak to come up behind her and grabbed her sides really fast she gasped and when I turned her around as I disabled sneak she looked at me as she sighs and.

Koneko: what.

Ryo: I want some attention from my kitty.

Koneko:*light blush* don't k-kitty me you've been bad so no.

Ryo:*pouts* put I want you to pay attention to me.

Koneko: no go somewhere else I need to clean up your mess I love you now shoo your not supposed to be in the kitchen.

I pouted and went to the living room as I do I see this.

Shop has been aquired you can now go on to a shop via you laptop and get spells skill books and magical items.

I then went to my room as I pulled out my laptop and saw that there was a app that said shop I clicked on it as I do I see a list of items I then wanted to get indura out here so I focused and I felt him on my shoulders I then see this.

(To unlock your balance breaker 17,789/500,000 exp)

Ryo:ok cool so indura what do you think of these I want your opinion on this to.

Indura: well I say the first one you should get is that soul one.

I looked at the one he was talking about and saw.

Skill book: soul stealer: this skill allows you to take the souls of whatever you kill if you kill a pure angel you can get a pure soul if you kill a pure devil then you can get a corrupted soul this are necessary when to make holy and cursed weapons.

Cost: $5,000.

Would you like to buy this skill.

I clicked yes as I do I see the book materialize besides me I then learn the skill.

Skill leard soul stealer aquired you can now steal the souls of your enemies.

A evil smile grow on my face.

Indura: should I be worried about that smile.

Ryo: yep.

Indura: what are you planning.

Ryo: just curious do you know how to make holy weapons and cursed ones.

Indura: yup.

Ryo: good cause I'm going to be making a few.

Indura: I suggest holy ones first since well you know.

Ryo: you've read mine mind but I'm going to need to get a pure angel soul how am I going to do that.

I just then see this.

2 new dungeons aquired.

I then looked at what they say.

Purity dungeon: this dungeon has pure angels in it you must defeat the boss to exit this dungeon.

Cursed dungeon: this dungeon has pure devil's in it and you must defeat the boss to exit this dungeon.

I smiled at this.

Ryo: indura we going have some fun.

Indura: can't wait.

I then clicked to go in to the purity dungeon as I do I see a bright light as it dies down I see that I'm on what look like clouds I see that there are angels flying around I used observe.


Name: ???

Race: angel.

Tittle: none.

Fame: none

HP: 3000/3000

MP: 12000/12000


Strength: 30

Endurance: 30

Agility: 30

Intelligence: 30

Wisdom: 30

Luck: 20

I smiled at this they all had the same stats I summoned 4 sentry's they wont fire til their close enough I then said.

Ryo: sup.

They all looked at me and started to fly at me the sentry's then started to shoot at them and I did.


I saw that a lot of angels dodged them but a few wasn't lucky I saw them fall to the ground as they do I see a small white orb come out of them and come in to me I then looked quickly in my inventory and saw.


Pure soul fragment 4/20

Pure soul fragment: you have aquired a pure soul fragment you must have 20 of these to turn 20 pure soul fragments in to a pure soul.

I then looked up and.

Ryo: so this gonna be a bit.

Indura: wanna try out my sacred gear.

Ryo: sure.

I summoned my sacred gear and rush at the angel as they do the same I was so much faster then them I got behind them and shot around 10 of them with hell flare I then jumped up and used.


As I see it hit a lot of the angels I saw more flying over here I cracked a evil smile.

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