chapter 35

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Rias: ok everyone get ready we are going to a training camp.

Ryo: and I'll be the one training you.

Everyone looked at me strangely.

Issei: oh hell no we're fucked.

I cracked an evil smile.

Ryo: don't worry only a few will die.

Akeno giggles kiba looks like he was curious rias is also curious issei is praying to satin for help and koneko.


Ryo:*whining* oww.

Time skip

It was morning they was going to come to my house and Asia and alucard and frost was also coming along I needed a training partner so frost said she would help with that and said that I'll be a great pupil for her I was still packing while talking to indura while he was on my shoulders.

Indura: look all I'm saying is that Burger King is better then McDonald's.

Ryo: I will bring up that rap video again.

Indura: I still can't believe Wendy came out of nowhere.

Ryo: just remember he might be a king but a clown wears the crown.

Indura: that line was dope.

Ryo: I know.

Indura: so when are you going to come out as a dragon they basically know that your not human or at least not fully.

Ryo: probably at the celebration for either rias's wedding or for her winning the rating game.

Indura: do they have a chance.

Ryo: as of right now no but I'm going to whip them in to shape.

Indura: should I be worried you actually have a whip your bringing.

Ryo: maybe it's just to scare the shit outta issei he's the one who needs the most training.

Indura: yes I agree with that but 10 days may not be enough.

I smiled.

Indura: oh are you gonna let them in your dungeon.

Ryo: yep you know that zombie army dungeon that is around 500 zombies when you enter it.

Indura: shit you gonna get them killed.

Ryo: yep I did say only a someone will die.

Indura: your scary sometimes.

Ryo: oh you love that about me.

Indura: and I thought akeno was the sadistic one.

Ryo: I don't get off killing people so don't go there.

Time skip.

I heard a Knock on the door I opened it to see everyone except my kitty which was still in her room.

Rias: sorry I couldn't get a hold of koneko I'll go over to her place and get her.

Ryo: you know she lives here right.

This shocked them all.

Issei: damn man you already have a chick living with you.

Ryo: technically I have 3.

Asia: is that them.

Ryo: yeah we'll be there in a minute ok.

Asia: ok.

Ryo: Asia's made breakfast for us alucard is probably yelling at the TV just ignore him.

I then let them in.

Kiba: nice place.

Ryo: its nice.

I then hear.

Koneko: yeah after I cleaned it.

Ryo: hey it was fine.

Koneko: you literally had ramen noodles wrappers everywhere along with a bunch of fast food bags and wrappers when I came not to mention you can't cook.

Ryo: I can to it just comes out black and to crispy.

Koneko: crispy my sweet ass that shit tasted like charcoal.

Ryo: you do have a sweet ass.

I said forgetting about the other people.

Issei: dude you banged her!?!?

Koneko was a blushing mess and not seeing a way out.

Ryo: 19 times.

Koneko:*blushing* ryo!

Ryo: oh she's so cute.

Rias: *shocked*

Ryo: yeah she so cute for example.

Before I could say anything else I was tackled by a my kitty who was pissed and blushing.

Koneko:*blushing* ryo you idiot!

She then began to beat on my chest like a child would throwing a tantrum.

Koneko: *blushing* idiot idiot idiot!

It wasn't really hurting 4-5 damage every time I was smiling at her.

Ryo: see what I mean she's adorable.

I then get a kiss to shut me up as she gets back up she looked away pouting.

Rias: I never see her with alot of emotion like this.

Kiba: it suits you koneko you should express yourself more.

He was chuckling a little.

Akeno: my my I hope you both used protection.

Ryo: damn I knew I forgot something.

Rias: wait you didn't?

Ryo: um no we was caught up in the moment.

Koneko:*blushing* ryo!

Asia: breakfast!

Ryo: oh saved by the nun see ya.

I then ran to then kitchen with a pouting loli behind me as everyone was smiling at how happy she is.

Time skip

We was currently walking up a hill to our training camp issei was complaining saying he was tired I then stopped and waited for him when he got to me I pulled out a whip from my inventory and I looked at him and smiled my evil smile.

Ryo: one more word about this being hard I'm going to start your training early.

I then cracked the whip his eyes widened at this.

Issei: shit! His sadist side is showing run!

Issei then ran as I followed him cracking the whip just barely missing him on purpose as everyone was looking at this.

Rias: should we be worried.

Koneko: trust me he's holding back so much

Akeno: oh my~

Koneko: back off.

Kiba: uhh well this will be interesting.

Ryo: come back issei it'll just hurt a lot!

I then laughed evilly.

Issei: your a sadistic bastard!

As he ducked out the way of the whip.

Ryo: this isn't even training this is practice.

I then hear koneko yell at me.

Koneko: one akeno is enough!

Ryo: ok I'll be worse then akeno then.

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