chapter 33

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Ryo: I even had to get sona to approve of it.

They all paled at this.

Issei: what are you planning.

Ryo: I tell you once the 2 witnesses are gone also don't expect to see him tomorrow.

Just then tsubaki lead them to there punishment as I looked at issei.

Ryo: you know I'd appreciate it if you would ease up on the perverted crap.

Issei: eh but it's great.

Ryo:*sigh* look in stead of giving you a punishment like there's I'm going to train you.

Issei: can I take the punishment instead.

Ryo: oh but don't you want to have a six pack that all the girls want to feel up all the time.

His eyes widened at this.

Ryo: (checkmate).

Issei: let's do this.

I smiled evilly.

Ryo: ok to the roof.

Small time skip.

After we made it to the roof I had sons come with us and put magic barrier up so no one's heard this.

Issei: ok what first.

Ryo:*cracks knuckles* endurance training.

Issei: *gulp* uhh sona isnt he not aloud to hit a student.

Sona: oh don't worry about it.

I smiled at this.

Ryo: were going to have a sparing matching attack me with all you got no matter what.

Issei: ok.

Time skip.

I was currently carrying issei to the orc he is passed out I was wearing Goku blacks outfit since I still haven't received my school uniform yet from sona as I walk in I see rias looking worried for issei sona had to get permission from rias for me to do this this but it was worth it I laid him on the couch I the walked over to the other couch and sat down as koneko sat on my lap.

Ryo: comfy.

Koneko: yep.

I smiled at this.

Ryo: so kiba how's Asia I heard shes in your class.

Kiba: she good she very popular with everyone and everyone gets along with her.

Ryo: good.

Rias looked worried about something.

Ryo:(wait isn't this the day fried chicken comes around.) Ria's is something wrong.

Rias:*sigh* I guess I should tell you.

Just then we see a white magic circle and out pop a silver haired lady I used observe her.


Name: grafia.

Gender: female.

Race: pure blooded devil.

Title: the strongest queen.

Fame: sirzecks maid.

Level: 320

HP: 40,000/40,000



Strength: 310.

Endurance: 315.

Agility: 305.

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