chapter 59

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Before they could say anything I punched xenovia in the stomach sending her out in to the field I ran after her all I could think was.

Ryo:(kill kill kill!)

I then see her slowly stand up as I was about to hit her I felt so tired I passed out.

3rd person pov

Everyone saw indura go on to ryo's shoulders as he held his fist back from killing xenovia as he fell backwards we all see orphis catch him.

Indura: Irina take xenovia somewhere else.

Irina: r-right.

She quickly does so.

Orphis: what happened?

Issei: it was like ryo was a different person like he lost his self.

Orphis: indura.

Indura: he was having a nightmare and when he woke up he heard that blue haired girl say that Asia was a devil a which that fell to the lowest of the low and that she should execute her so God could judge her when he woke up he went in to his Dragon halfilng form.

Orphis: that explains so much.

Rias: what do you mean?

Orphis: when he woke up he was in his Dragon halfilng form that form makes him so much more protective over his loved ones and hearing her say that must have been what set him off.

Issei: that girl wouldn't even let Asia say she wasn't a devil.

Orphis then gave ryo to koneko.

Ryo's pov

As I started to wake up I saw that koneko was ok I then jumped up surprising everyone.

Koneko: ryo!?

Ryo:*tears in eyes* koneko!

I then hugged her tightly rubbing my face on her face as I say.

Ryo: *tears in eyes* I thought you died.

I then hear.

Asia: what do you mean?

Ryo:*tears in eyes* Asia!

I then jumped at her tackling her to the ground do the same thing that I did to koneko.

Orphis: hmm.

Ryo:*tears in eyes* orphis!

I lunged at her trying to get her in to a hug but she moved out of the way I then tried again but she did the same thing 3 more times.

Ryo:*almost crying* orphis.

She saw this and sighed she walked up to him and she let him have his way as I hugged her we fell over as I did the same thing with everyone else except longer making me pass out.

Time skip

As I was waking up I saw I was in my room I then hear.

Orphis: is the little Dragon calmed down.

I looked around my bed and saw that asia/koneko/orphis and sona they all looked at me worried.

Asia: are you ok ryo?

Sona: what was the dream about?

I just hugged orphis tighter as Indura appears on my shoulders.

Indura: allow me to explain in his dream his parents was torturing him with spiders.

Sona; why spiders?

Indura: well.

Koneko: he's afraid of them isn't he?

Indura: yeah.

Asia: but why would his paren-

3rd person pov

Orphis just covered ryo's ears so he wouldn't have to hear it.

Koneko: before ryo came here he was abused by his parents.

Time skip after explaining the rest.

Asia: that's just awful.

Sona: just don't mention them around h and he'll be fine.

Koneko: sona you better go explain this to those church duo so they won't have him dubbed as a threat to heaven.

Sona: I agree.

She then got up and left.

Ryo's pov

As orphis took off her hands from my ears I looked up at her while snuggling in to her I saw her smile a small smile but a smile none the less.

Orphis: does my little Dragon want attention.

She said that in a teasing tone I pouted a bit and crossed my arms while looking away from her.

Asia: is ryo embarrassed?

I heard her say that in a teasing tone I then hugged Asia snuggling with her.

Asia:*light blush*giggles*

She the started to pay my head I then felt someone grabbing my ass.

Ryo: epp!

I jumped but someone held me down I turned my head and saw that it was orphis having a sadistic smile on her face I looked over at Asia for help but.

Asia: oh coming alucard.

Ryo: no take me with you.

I then I Looked at orphis she held me down by my shoulders and says.

Orphis:(slowly likes lips) just let it happen.

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