chapter 9

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Time skip

Today was Friday I haven't been to school in a while I plan on going to the vampires castle Sunday.

I then saw a letter falls down on to me I opened it and read.

???:I sent all your records to your new school your friend will see them I know it's not my place but you need help so good luck.

My eyes widened at this.

Koneko's pov

We was in the student council room waiting for sona she wanted us to stay here while she went to get his records they just came in I then see sona come in and close the door she sat at the table with me and rias.

Sona: are you all ready.

We both nod our head's as we see sona take open it up.

Sona: ryo aizawa age 15 gender male has trouble making friends with others.

She then stopped.

Rias: what's wrong.

Sona: are you sure you all want to here this.

Koneko: yes I'm sure ryo hasn't been here in 3 days I'm worried.

She nodded.

Sona: taken away from his family due to abuse physical and mental.

Rias's pov

I saw a single tear come down koneko's cheek.

Sona: I also have some reports from the foster system if you all want to hear them.

We both nodded.

Sona: ok here we go the reports say that that when they took him away  that he had  3 broken ribs a broken arm a fractured leg he had self inflicted wounds that wasn't deep enough to leave scars whenever we would tell him that he didn't deserve this he would say that he was a failure and desered to die at the age of 10 he tried to commit suicide then later at the age of 13 he tried again he then got emotionally stable to go to Japan to further his education because there are stuff in America that reminds him of his parents we shall check in on him once a month to make sure he is all right that's all there is I can't believe there are people like this in the world.

She said with a tear rolling down her eye as was I I then saw koneko run to the door and run out I then remembered that he tried to kill himself and he hasn't been to school in 3 days.

Rias: sona you don't think.

Sona: we have no right to go over there she does  I know it sounds cruel but if a bunch of strangers bust in to your house asking if you're ok what would you do be scared or tell them your fine.

Ryo's pov

I was shaking I was under my cover in a corner of my closest with the door closed I hear my front door slam open as I hear koneko.


Koneko's pov

He can't be he just can't be can't believe it I looked in the kitchen living bathroom the bedroom downstairs I then went up in to the upstairs bedrooms I then went to the master bedroom I opened it up.

Koneko: ryo!

I looked around he has to be here I saw that the cover was off the bed I looked under the bed he wasn't there I saw that there was a walk-in closet I opened the door to see ryo in the corner shaking I ran to him hugging him.

Ryo's pov

I felt koneko tackle me in to a hug I looked up at her shakily I saw that she was crying.

Koneko:*crying* your ok.

She then hugged me tighter she puts my head in to her chest I then started crying remembering what happened.

Koneko: it's ok I'm here no one will ever hurt you again.

I feel at in her arms.

Koneko's pov

I saw that ryo cried his self to sleep in my arms I took him over to the bed and laid him down I laid down next to him as I want him to know I'm here for him always.

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