chapter 121

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Both me and escanor looked at each other as if sizing each other up I then took out my sword made from pieces of my balance breaker and I then ran at him I was definitely stronger then him but I wanted to have fun for now he lifted his axe in the air as I got close enough to him and swinged it down on to me I used my sword to block it I was using both of my hands I then jumped back as he then came at me I gripped my sword with my hands we exchanged blow's me with my sword and him with his axe each hit sent shock waves out along with Spark's vi then noticed something he was charging up another magic attack I wasn't going to tell him not to as I jumped out of the way from his axe he shot it at me.

Escanor: CRUIL SUN!

As it hit me we both heard this.

Indura: ABSORB x30!

Just then something hit him like a wreaking ball like he just remembered something.

Escanor: indura?

Ryo: yes that's right the one who help seal away trihexa he is my partner and my sacred gear.

I then heard him.

Escanor: I see I now understand why none of my magical attacks work on you even with out your sacred gear you are a formidable foe.

Ryo: thank you that means more then you know I do pride myself on about my strength.

Escanor: indeed but I do pity you.

Ryo: and why's that.

Escanor: cause your facing me of course I may not be able to hurt you with magic but I have more then enough strength to kill you.

I then saw him put away his axe in to the ground and I do the same as we both walked up to each other I heard him say.

Escanor: usually if I had to kill a child I would try my damnedest to do it quickly but you are a warrior and deserve a warrior's death.

Ryo: and I'll give you a warrior's death.

We finally got in to arm's reach of each other he went for the first punch I blocked it with my arm as I then kicked him in the chest sending him back I then saw him catch himself and launch himself at me he raised his left fist up to hit me I lifted my robot arm off and as he got to me we both hit each other's fist sending shock waves out everywhere we kept sending punches at each other and after a while he asked as we kept punching each other.

Escanor: what happened to your arm for you to replace it.

I punched him in the side sending him back as we both launched at each other once again and I say as we both started punching each other again.

Ryo: I'm sure your aware of the juggernaut drive.

Escanor: of course.

Ryo: I lost control and great red/ ophis/The red dragon emperor and the white dragon emperor all had to team up to stop me in that process lost all feeling in my arm I couldn't use it a doctor came and said I would eventually get full function of my arm back but it would've taken months to do so and I didn't have that so I had to make the choice to chip it off and replace it with the one I made.

As he punched me he says.

Escanor: for a child that's quite admiral you have my respect young one.

I couldn't help but smirk at thatas he then says.

Escanor: bit even so it will cause my master a great trouble if I let you live so I'll take you out.

He then launched at me again I dodged his punch and delivered a right hook to his jaw I then uppercutt him the force of my uppercut sent him off the ground I then hit him in the chest sending him backwards I then got in front of him and kicked him in the chest sending him upwards I then jumped above him and I axe kicked him towards the ground but before he hit the ground I got where he was going to land and I prepared a punch as he got close enough he maneuvered and I sent my punch with my robot arm at him but he met my attack with his own punch shock waves was let out as it subsided he landed and he then says.

Escanor: not bad for someone who's holding back.

I couldn't help but smirk at this and I ask.

Ryo: and how do you know that I'm holding back.

Escanor: I've lived thousands of years and from that experience I know when someone is holding back and when someone is holding back now come at me at full strength for those puny attacks won't even scratch me.

Ryo: I guess I should give you a what you want.

I say as I close my eyes as my nails started to sharpen and sense's are getting stronger and stronger I then say as I opened my eyes to show my Dragon eye's as he saw mine his eyes widened slightly as I then said.

Ryo: I'll show the destuctive power of the lighting dragon God!

I then ran at him full force sending a shock wave out cracking the ground I then kicked him up in to the air I then jumped up and head butted him in the chest he coughed up blood I then hit him in the cheek sending him back I then kicked him in the side making him spit up more blood I then kicked him up even higher he then stopped and he made a movement with his hands as I heard him say.

Escanor: *struggling* to me rhitta!

I saw him catch his axe as he then held it back and I then see him do this.


Just then a blinding flash of light formed in front of me blinding mei covered my eyes as I then heard him say as Indura's ability kicked in.

Indura: ABSORB x30!

Escanor: for killing my comrades you'll attone with your flesh die!

Indura: ryo!

I knew what he was going to do so I quickly activated my balance breaker.


As I got it on I heard and felt his axe bounce off of it my endurance has made me almost invincible to him as the light subsided I saw him there panting as he then said.

Escanor: *pants* so there it is the monster in the flesh.

Ryo: *smirks* I may be the monster but I am doing this for my friends I would die for them I'll give the lives of everyone on earth if that means they won't have to suffer.

Escanor: *pants* I can respect that.

He fell to his knees as he then said.

Escanor: despite my pride I do admit you have bested me I am glad to see that see that there is a chance for trihexa to die.

My eyes widened at this  he isn't under full control of trihexa just then I saw a red magical collar appeared on to his neck I quickly took out morning star Aldan and I saw merlin come out of it in her holographic form as red like lightning ⚡ started to shock him I then asked her.

Ryo: Merlin help me he isn't under full control of trihexa please!

Merlin: the rest of your evil pieces only a something similar could do break the spell if it wasn't already full implanted in him hurry!

I took then out and I ran over to him he was grabbing his neck he was trying to breath but he couldn't I then used them all on him they all glowed and they all then went in to his chest just then I saw the red magic collar broke and faded away as he then fell backwards unconscious.

Author: so how's the story so far?

Author: how was this chapter?

Author: how was the twist?

Author: what should happen next?

Author: I may not upload a chapter for a few days because of well Christmas 🎄.

Author: have a merry Christmas.

Author: have a happy new year.

Author: and happy holidays.

Author: I love you all thank you for the support.

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