chapter 92

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Time skip.

As I wake up I didn't have any much pain in my ass I thought I would but no I don't I saw that sona was gone but she left a note on the dresser.

Sona: I had some business to take care of when you wake up you don't have to go to class go on home I'll be there later.

Ryo:(I mean I could go but she said I didn't have to.)

Indura: (it's a win-win situation.)

Ryo:(you said it.)

I then telaported to my room I saw it was 1 in the afternoon and I went over to my bed and then I get a message on my phone.

Issei: hey man I know your an assand all but just curious if you wanted to go to the carnival with me kiba and Gasper it's guys night out.

I was kinda confused I mean I heard of a carnival before but what was it.

Ryo: what's a carnival?

Issei: your kidding right?

Ryo: why would I kid about this.

Issei: it's like a place with all kinds of food games and rides.

Ryo: I'll think about it.

I then put my phone away and go over to my computer and type in what a carnival is.

Ban's pov

As I was just wondering around this big ass place I got to I think is ryo's room and I saw the door was opened I looked inside and saw that he was looking at something I saw what he typed in what is a carnival wait this kid hasn't been to one?

Ryo: oh so that's a carnival but should I really have fun like this?


Ryo: hmm no I shouldn't do childish stuff like this I'm a faction leader.

Ban: (you still are a child!)

I saw him think about something then I then smirked with a plan I went to tell the others.

Time skip

Ryo's pov.

As I was finishing up something new if thought I'd try our I finally finished it.

I then telaported to my room and went through my inventory and I saw 2 skill books I didn't notice before

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I then telaported to my room and went through my inventory and I saw 2 skill books I didn't notice before.

Skill books

Gamers mind: allows the user to think rationally when in a bad situation.

Gamers body: allows the user to live the real world like a game.

What do you like to learn these skills?


Ryo: (when the fuck did I get these!?!?)

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