It's been a few days since ophis fucked ryo's brain's out she's been geithese weird cravings and now she's currently looking at a positive pregnancy test with wide eyes in ryo's kitchen just then Sanji came in and saw her.
Sanji: oh um ophis you ok do you ne-
He then noticed what she had in her hands and saw that it was positive.
Sanji: I'm guessing you haven't told ryo.
She nodded.
Sanji: you know he'll be happy even though he can't sit down after what you done to him.
Ophis: but what if he doesn't want him or her.
Sanji: are you serious this is ryo we are talking about I guarantee you that he'll want him or her he loves you if you want proof then just look around he cares for us and we care for him he would give his life for us and we'd do the same for him.
Ophis: thanks I got some thinking to do.
Ryo's pov.
As I was currently laying down on the couch in the living room I still couldn't set down anywhere properly because of the damage ophis did even though I did enjoy it I heard foot steps coming this way I turned slightly to see shalltear but with what looked like a new dress.
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Ryo: oh so you was stuffing your bra.
I saw a tic mark appear on her face as she then smacked my ass making gasp out in pain but at the same time felt kinda good.
Shalltear: your a dick.
Ryo: t-that hurt.
Shalltear I'll do it again if your not carful.
Just then Asia came in here she wanted to heal my ass but I told her it was fine but we have school tomorrow just then Asia said.
Asia: ophis please hold ryo down.
Just then I felt her on my back as she held down my arms.
Ryo:*whining* shalltearrrrr get off.
I could literally feel her role her eyes at me I then felt Asia starting to heal my ass.
Small time skip.
After she was finished Asia left but shalltear was still on my back she leaned down and sunk her fangs in to my neck it didn't hurt it just feels weird after she was done she got off me and licked her lips.
Shalltear: mmmm really sweet like chocolate.
Ryo: I eat like 30 chocolate bars a day that's probably why just then Tanya came in here and said.
Tanya: shalltear ophis is having a girl's meeting come with me.
She went with her I then got up and went to the kitchen to see Sanji he sighs as he sees me.