chapter 34

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I saw the shocked look on his face as I see grafia turn serious.

Grafia: is this true riser if it is then your going to suffer the consequences.

Riser: how could you believe such a thing from a lowly mortal!

Ryo: your family is the only one to ever tame these Phenix's that I know and that I found a coller with if found please return to the Phoenix family so I'm not saying you did but someone in your family has spyed on rias in her own territory me being a lowly mortal or not im keeping this cause I need the feathers.

I then put it in my inventory.

Ria's: where'd it go?

Ryo: magic.

Riser: that's it I'm done you die now!

His arm then erupted in flames and went to bunch me but I dodged as I jumped in to the air I then axed kicked him through the floor and made a riser size hole in here as I see a small crater in the bottom floor.

Grafia:*sigh* your brother thought this would happen so a he sai-.

Ryo: a rating game is in order.

Grafia:ok I need to know something.

Ryo: no I'm not single.


Ryo:*whining* oww.

Grafia: are you real.

Ryo: yep.

Grafia: *sigh* I'm going to be drinking if I go through this again.

Ryo: can I join.


Ryo:*whining* oww.

Koneko: you was already drunk the other night and besides you shouldn't be drinking your a minor.

Ryo: but it's fun.


Ryo: *whining* oww.

I then see riser come out of the riser size hole.

Grafia: sirzecks said something like this may happen and suggested a rating game.

Riser: I agree to it.

He was glaring at me.

Grafia: and you Rias.

Rias: I do as well.

Riser: may I make a suggestion.

Grafia: yes.

Riser: riser shall give rias 2 weeks to train her peerage since this is all she has then she should be given a handicap.

I see rias clench her fist straining to not say anything I can tell that her pride took a big hit.

Riser: you see riser knows that if rias and her peerage if they went against risers peerage then they would surely lose.

I bet it's cause he's talking to grafia that's why he's being nice.

Ryo: I happen to agree with you riser even though your a prink they wouldn't be able to as is but given the chance to train then they have a chance.

I saw that he was straining to not hit me.

Grafia: ok I believe that is very expectable.

Ryo: hold up I'd like to ask something to.

Grafia: and that would be.

Ryo: since koneko is my girlfriend and whether or not rias wins or loses there will be a celebration to celebrate it so I want to be there with my kitty.

Koneko: blushes at this while everyone except riser smiled at this.

Grafia: I believe that can be handled.

Ryo: ok oh and riser.

Riser: what!

Ryo: that kid over there the one passed out he the weilder of the boosted gear or the red dragon emperor he took all of rias's pawn pieces so this 2 weeks will help him greatly thanks.

I said that in a sickly sweet tone as to say he's fucked cause imma work issei's ass off.

Riser: you have to weeks rias til then.

He then left in flames.

Grafia: I must inform sirzecks.

She then left but not as flashy I then see everyone look at me.

Rias: are you real.

Ryo: not sure at this point.

Akeno: how are you so strong?

Ryo: oh don't worry about that your going to find out over the 2 weeks.

I said that in a really scary tone.

Koneko: what's my training.

I smiled.

Ryo: hmm.

I then whispered in her ear.

Ryo:*whispers* how about we go for 25 rounds.

I then see her face turn red as Rias's hair as she looks at us with a curious look as akeno giggles kiba looks a little jealous and issei is still past out.

Ryo: here let me wake up issei.

I then used sparks on him enough to wake him up he looks around sleepy I then get my cheeks pinched and pulled apart.

Ryo:*whining* oww.

Koneko then whispers.

Koneko:*whispers* you was dominate last time but this time I'm on top.

I paled a little at that thought cause she's scary at times.

Til balance breaker is unlocked


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