chapter 81

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I then ask.

Ryo: so when's the wedding?

Indura: why you little!


Indura: your waking up go annoy someone else.

Ryo: I'll be back.

I then opened my eyes to see koneko above me I quickly kiss her cheek she then got really close and blowed on my ear which felt good but I won't get in to that.

Koneko: you need to go home and go to bed my Dragon~

I won't be able to go to bed if you say that again.

Ryo: is that what you want or do you want something else~

I could see her cheeks she was blushing so I got up and grabbed her and telaported us back to our castle I put her on the couch and walked away I was going my room but before I did I heard moans coming from the door besides me I saw it was ophis's door I cracked it open and what I saw was the dildo she tried using on me she was using on herself I quickly and quietly closed the door and left I was blushing as I opened my door I quickly closed it and when I turned around I saw something that scared the crap outta me and some how turned me on a little.

I could see her cheeks she was blushing so I got up and grabbed her and telaported us back to our castle I put her on the couch and walked away I was going my room but before I did I heard moans coming from the door besides me I saw it was ophis's...

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She was on my bed like that she got up she was a little shorter than me by about a few inches I tried to keep my composer but.

Ryo: w-what do y-you want.

I saw her smile creepily which made me shiver.

Tanya: I wanted to join your peerage.

This surprised me.

Ryo: wait what.

Tanya:*sigh* I want to join your peerage it's clear to me that your strength is unmeasurable beyond belief anytime someone thinks they got you you always have something else up your sleeve.

Ryo: I plan for contingencies.

Tanya: as do I I think that would be something that would have both of our enemies running.

Ryo: also what's your sacred gear I know you have one.

Tanya: it's arsenal it allows me to summon magic weapons.

Ryo: ok but I still don't understand why you want to join my peerage.

Tanya: look I don't want to follow someone who doesn't understand what there getting in to and these people called the chaos bergade are annoying me to get me on there side recently they've been using force so I was thinking why not have a strong Alli to help.

Ryo: fine you win I'll let you in to my peerage.

I took out my evil pieces and set them up.

Ryo: just put your hand over them and which ever one glows that's what peice you'll be.

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