chapter 38

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Ryo: now kiba here take this.

I then summoned 2 wooden swords I gave one to kiba.

Kiba: are you sure your good.

Ryo: yes I'm sure now don't hold back.

Kiba: ok.

He then ran at me full speed I simply waited til he was at me I then used my full speed to appear behind him I saw that he hasn't noticed so I used half my strength and I hit him in the back he fell to the ground.

Rias: kiba!

Kiba: tried to get up but he couldn't.

Ryo: this is what I told you earlier I told you that you couldn't be able to take a strong hit like I just did I held back.

Everyone's eyes widened at that.

Ryo: your going to be doing endurance and strength training.

Issei: what about me?

Ryo: you need to be trained in everything koneko your up.

Koneko: good.

Ryo: anytime kitten.

Everyone smirked at what I called her I saw a light blush on her face she then ran at me she was slower then kiba but her punches held decent force in them I Dodged around 8 more Punch's from her and I then used my speed to get behind her and spank her with a little force just enough to get.

Koneko:*blushing* NYA~!

Ryo: aw is my kitty happy.

I teasingly said to her.

Koneko:*blushing* ryo!

Ryo: and that's your weakness your speed if you don't increase your speed I may take advantage of that.

I then see koneko try to hit me again I then jumped up and I say this.


I shot one at her she dodged it and she then tried kick me but I caught her kick and held it she tried to get her leg back.

Koneko: let go.

Ryo: oh what's this no cat on your panties this time.

Everyone was shocked at this issei was jealous I saw that koneko was blushing madly.

Ryo: I'm so proud of you you've grown.

She then pulled to hard and we fell I looked at her I was on top and her right leg up in the air and I had my right hand on her left boob I accidentally squeezed it as I hear.


I quickly got off her blushing a bit but composed myself I then helped koneko up as she pinched my cheeks apart hard.

Ryo:*whining* oww.

Koneko then whispers.

Koneko: *whispers* your in for it watch your back I borrowed a few things off of akeno.

I paled at this as she lets go and pouts I then composed my self and said.

Ryo: it's your turn akeno even though your rias's queen your still weak your strength endurance and agility are about the same but if your going to get better then you need to increase your Endurance and strength I believe that your speed is good for now but you do need to train it also you need to have more magic power.

I then turned to rias.

Ryo: Rias Rias Rias you think you only need to train your mind but as king you should know that a king must have a strong body as well as a strong mind because if you only have brains then one hit is all it'll take I'll show you what I mean akeno me and you let's go and not the way you want I mean fight me.

Akeno: oh so eager.

Ryo:*sigh* fine I'll make the first move.

I then lefted my right had 3 ice blue Magic circles appears.


Just then 3 ice Lance's shit at akeno she barely dodged I shot a few more at her she spread her wings and flew up in to the air I the jumped up surprising everyone I kicked her down to the ground and.


I shot it at the ground beside her she shot her lightning at me I took it she dodged my hell flare but I wasn't aiming for her I then landed.

Akeno: oh my you can take a lot can't you.

Ryo:*sighs* this is what I was talking about.

I then had the water from the icicle Lance's I used hell flare melt them while it looked like I was trowing it at her I throw it beside her to melt them I then used the water to wrap water like tentacles around all her limps she tell in response she didn't see that coming.

Ryo: this is what I was talking about now.

I then harded the water around her in to ice I can't change ice in to water just yet.

Akeno: oh my~

Ryo: consider this your punishment in your way of saying your supposed to be the queen but you didn't see what was going on around you.

I then turned back to rias I smiled a bit as I say.

Ryo:*evil smile* your turn

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