I then see alucard carrying a passes out Asia.
Ryo: take her home and make sure she's ok I'll deal with these two.
He does as I say I then looked at the two rogues as I thought this would be the perfect time to try out my tranquilizer I made I summoned two of them and plunged the needle in to their necks and I saw that they almost immediately passed out I then headed to Azazel's place.
Time skip.
It was actually easier then I thought it would be I found the building he was staying in and I just wondered around until I found a door that had magic on it I knocked on it a few times and I then see him looking as calm as ever as he opened the door I used observe on him.
Name: Azazel
Race: fallen angel
Gender: male.
Title: governor of fallen angels.
Fame: descret pervert.
Level: 350
HP: 50,000/50,000
MP: 70,000/70,000
Stamina: 10,000/10,000
Strength: 347
Endurance: 340
Agility: 350
Intelligence: 300
Wisdom: 300
Luck: 100
Ok don't piss him off.
Azazel: yes can I help you.
Ryo: yes you can governor of fallen angels.
His eyes widened.
Azazel then turned to some what of a serious expression.
Azazel: how do you know that.
Ryo: first I believe these are yours.
He then looked beside his door to see two passed out rogues.
Azazel:*sighs* bring them in.
Small time skip.
Azazel: sit why don't we talk about how you know me.
Ryo: well let's just say I have my secrets and you have yours.
I saw that he kinda liked my answer.
Azazel: who are you.
Ryo: my name is ryo age 15 boyfriend of koneko the rook of rias gremory younger sister of one of the great devil kings.
His eyes widened at this.
Azazel: oh so you know a lot.
Ryo: yes now I just want to make sure that those to are dealt with accordingly.
Azazel: yes they will be but do you know where the 3rd one is.
Ryo: dead.
Azazel: did you kill him.
Ryo: yes it was self defense if I didn't he would of hurt my girlfriend.
Azazel: so I'm taking a guess that you want something in return for getting these 2 here.
Ryo: hmm well that didn't really cross my mind but if could get a few books on magic then that be great.
Azazel: oh you use Magic.
Ryo: yep but I like close combat to.
Azazel: hmm tell me if you fought rias and her peerage what would happen.
Ryo: they'd lose.
Azazel: I thought so but I still trying to figure out if your a threat or not.
Ryo: are you planning on hurting my friends.
Azazel: no.
Ryo: then your spared.
Azazel chuckles at this.
Azazel: your funny kid you drink.
Ryo: I'm 15 of course I drink.
He then pulled out to bottles of Irish whiskey.
Ryo: now your speaking my language.
Azazel: been meaning to find a drinking buddy.
Ryo: hehe.
He poured us both some some.
Ryo: bottoms up.
Azazel: salute.
Skill aquired alcohol resistance: level 1/100
Ryo: aw that's the stuff.
Azazel: you said it.
Time skip
27 shots later
Azazel:*drunkly* your a great guy.
Ryo:*drunkly* naw yous is.
Alcohol resistance has leveled up 28/100
Azazel then passed out.
Ryo:*drunk* I'm going to school.
Time skip
Third person pov
As ryo was stumbled while walking in to the school he headed towards the student council council room.
Small time skip.
While in the student council room sona was finishing up a report that alucard gave the information that she needed she then see to see the door open to reveal ryo.
Sona: oh hello ryo alucard gave me the report on what happened but.
She then took a closer look at him noticed something was wrong.
Sona:*worried* ryo are you ok?
Ryo:*drunk* sona where's the dragon at?
Sona:*shocked* ryo are you drunk?!
Ryo:*drunk*no's I'm not drunk.
Sona:( yes you are) how about you go lay down.
She then took his hand and lend him in to the side room after she did she turned around and but before she could go anywhere she was grabbed by ryo and he hugged and layed down with her in his arms.
Sona:*blushing* r-ryo!
Sona:*sighs* I'll have to scold him when he wakes up.
Time skip ryo's pov.
As I was waking up I was hugging something really warm so I held it closer I opened my eyes enough to see what I was holding and well.
Ryo:(I can't catch a break can I?) S-sona!?!?
Sona: oh did someone finally wake up from passing out drunk.
Ryo:(fuck) uhh.
I quickly let her go as I jumped up and tried to get out but I felt a pinch on my ear.
Sona: oh your not going anywhere until I give your scolding.
Time skip
One scolding later.
Sona: now what did you learn.
Ryo: not to drink.
Sona: and are you going to do it again.
Ryo: no ma'am.
Sona: good now I called koneko and told her what happened.
Ryo: I don't want to die.
Sona: stay here til she comes I'm going to guess your gonna get another scolding from her.
Ryo: probably.

DxD Gamer
FanfictionA guy dies and gets put in a dxd gamer world. #1- in Gamer November 8th.