I then hear gajeel.
Gajeel: so um do you know where the hell this place is?
Ryo: it's some old devil territory in the human world I think I know why the devil's attacked you they may have thought that you was someone trying to take over this land but didn't think it through.
Gajeel: that would explain it.
I then hear a groan coming from Erza I looked up to see her trying to get up I then see gajeel go over to her and put her back down.
Gajeel: how stubborn can you get you need to rest.
I looked at her stats again all of them was half restored I then see her eyes open she up at gajeel.
Erza: I can get up!
Gajeel: oh shit.
I then see her slowly get up as she spots me sitting on the ground I smiled at her and say.
Ryo: hi!
She just stares at me I couldn't help but fidget a little bit.
Erza: hello.
Gajeel: this is ryo he's the reason your even awake right now not to mention walking he gave me a bunch of potions to give you.
I saw her smile in my direction Andi looked away with a small blush dusting across my face I then hear.
Erza: thank you ryo was it.
I nodded.
Erza: so what are you doing out here.
Ryo: my friend sirzecks asked me to come here to see what's going on.
I then see her expression darken a little as she summoned a sword.
Erza: you know the devil king.
Gajeel: Erza it's not what you think.
She then pointed the sword at gajeel and said.
Erza: explain.
Time after explaining.
Erza: hmm.
She desummoned her Sword and says.
Erza: I'm sorry but we was attacked by devil's there was quite a few of them that's why I was very weary when you said you were friends with the devil King.
Ryo: it's okay but was it just devil's or was there angels and fallen angels.
Gajeel: there was all kinds of races including angel's/devil's/fallen angels/humans/yokai/ and others.
Ryo: hmm well I'm not sure but it's just a theory.
Erza: go on.
Ryo: there's a rumuer about other factions and other race's going to team up if what I'm hearing is correct then the name would be the chaos bergade.
I then saw them looking at each other then back to me.
Erza: that's what they called themselves the ones who attacked us was.
Ryo: was there a guy in white armor there.
Gajeel: no I couldn't see anyone in white armor.
Erza: neither did I.
Ryo: ok then was there a loli there.
Gajeel: no.
Erza: no.
Ryo: oh thank God ok then I don't know who it is then um hmm let's see where is your guild at I'll help you all get there safely.
Erza: it's should be around 30 miles in that way.

DxD Gamer
FanfictionA guy dies and gets put in a dxd gamer world. #1- in Gamer November 8th.