chapter 86 🍋

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As I was laying here In my bed I  couldn't help but think.

Ryo:(man I love my life)

Just then I heard my door click and I saw it open to reveal pisti and morgiana.

Ryo: sup.

I saw that pisti looked very excited about something while morgiana looked like she was about explode with the nervousness she has bit before I could say anything pisti puts up a sound proof barrier and just then it clicked for my dumbass they wanted me to fuc-

Pisti: me and morgiana talked about it and we want you to fuck us.

Morgiana: *blushing* pisti!!!!!!!!!

Pisti: what?

Morgiana: *blushing* don't say it like that!!!!!

I was in shock to say the least.

Pisti: but I'm blunt about stuff you wanted to have a threesome and I wanted to fuck him soooo.

They then both looked at me I got up I smiled an evil smirk which gave the 2 in front of e a shiver as I say.

Ryo: *lustful* you 2 have been a couple of very naughty girls~

I saw them both blush a bit in one swift motion I swept pisti and morgiana and both was over my shoulders and.



I then toss both on to the bed as I then take off my shirt and throw it to the other side of the room and I went over to morgiana and I asked.

Ryo: now there's no turning back after this are you sure?

Morgiana:*blushing* y-yes I want to feel you inside me!

I saw she was telling the truth as I then looked over at pisti which she was surprisingly naked making be blush a bit.

Pisti: I want you too.

She was telling the truth I smiled and went over to her and I say to morgiana.

Ryo: morgi you get undressed while I handle this loli~

I saw pisti pout cutely and try to pinch my cheeks but I grabbed her by the waist and I sat on the bed as I bent her over my knee and.

Pisti: *blushing* what are y-you doi-



Ryo: this is for getting ready with out me loli of nature~




Pisti: *moans*

I then got up and placed her on my be as I felt a tap on my right shoulder and I turned to see morgiana covering her tit's and cat with her hands blushing I couldn't help but smile as I say.

Ryo: go over to pisti while I take mine off.

She nodded and did as I say and I slowly took off my shorts that I had on and throw them to the side and i could feel the tightness in my boxer's so I looked at them and I then literally ripped my boxer's off for dramatic effect as I tossed them away I saw both of their eyes widened at my erection I smiled and I go over to pisti first and I then took her legs and but them over my shoulders and I laid my member on her stomach as I could hear her.

Pisti:* whining*

Ryo:*smirks* now who's a naughty little loli girl~

I saw her pout but she isn't winning this one as I hear.

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