chapter 8

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I went home koneko told me that she had to tell rias what she saw.

Time skip the next day.

Koneko's pov

Rias: your saying that ryo did that.

Koneko: yes but he told me that he doesn't want to become a devil but that he will be there when we need him.

Rias: well I guess we should formally introduce ourselves to him is he here today at school.

Koneko: no it worries me he always acts like he's going to get hit for little things and I just have a bad feeling.

Rias then sat down on the couch and motions for me to do the same I do.

Rias: your worried about him what do you think this is.

Koneko: I think that he might be getting abused I know I don't have any real proof but the first time I caught him being bad he closed his eyes and waited for something to happen he then said after I asked why he was afraid that he thought I was going to hit him then I tried joking with him saying that he isn't worth the trouble he get in and he says that he isn't worth shit I know I don't have proof but I just have a feeling in me.

Rias: koneko I know your worried about him but listen to me you have this gut feeling how about we go over to the student council room Friday that's 2 more days they'll have the rest of his information then they don't have it all yet but he said he would tell you when he's ready right.

Koneko: yeah.

Rias: then if you trust him wait but I'm going to the student council room on Friday to find out more about him and I won't blame you if you come ok.

Koneko: okay.

Ryo's pov

I was under my covers I had a dream about them again I didn't go to school to day I can't no matter how long ago it was there are the scars are still fresh in my memory no matter how strong I get I know I'm weak a disgrace.

Time skip.

I felt better I then went to go to my instant dungeon but I saw that there was multiple options to go to now I saw that there was a an option to go to a vampires castle I saw that there was descriptions about them this one said you have a chance to get a rare ring class B-S a rare amulet class B-S the vampires ring that is S class and the vampires crown that is S class.

I looked at the others.

Zombies castle:
This castle is infested with zombies you there are zombie archers in this so you must be careful you have a chance to get a rare bow class B-S a rare sword class B-S and you have a chance to get the rare materials from a beast that's inside this dungeon.

I chose the zombie one.

Time skip.

After I killed every fucking zombie I had time to rest I used a stamina potion as I didn't use magic and didn't get hit I the see this in front of me.


Ryo: fuck.

I then saw a magic it was black I then saw a black dragon come out.

Ryo: ok this shit ain't fair!

Dragon: ROOAARRR!!!!

I quickly used observe.


Name: ???

Race: undead Dragon.

Gender: ???.

Title: dungeon boss.


Level: 60.

HP: 10000/10000

MP: 10000/10000

Stamina: 2500/2500

I couldn't read any more as the damn thing was shooting fire at me I summoned my sword as I slashed it's tale off I then get hit by it's back claw I slid back and used sparks on it it cryed out in pain I kept using Sparks as I used observe.


HP: 5317/10000

I then used flames in one hand and sparks in the other thing s was really effective against him I then felt something stab in to my back I saw that a zombie was left could of sworn I killed them all I then stopped using Sparks and flames and hit the zombie in the head killing it I then turned back in time to see the dragon use a big ass fire ball at me it hit me I was sent in to a wall that made a crater I then summoned my sword as I staggered a bit fuck I'm going to be sore in the morning I then channeled the rest of my magical power in to my flames that went in to my sword the flames enveloped the sword the flames then turned blue the heat coming off of them was so in intense more so then when I usually do this I then held it above my head as the dragon was getting closer I then say.


I then brought down my blade as the fire that was on it was going towards the Dragon I went to one knee as I saw my attack slice the Dragon in half I then see flames coming from the dragon as it blown up I then used instant dungeon escape as I fell on my bed sleeping peacefully.

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