chapter 36

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Time skip

As issei was panting on the ground I took out a familer capsule I converted the 3 to one koneko saw this.

Koneko: ryo are those?

Ryo: yep.

Ryo: hey everyone one wanna see a magic trick.

Rias: you know we all can use magic.

Ryo: just humor me.

I then walked over to a a bit of a open space I pressed the button and throw it just then a bunch of smoke erupted from it and when it cleared they all saw my work shops as I turned around I saw all of them wide eyed.

Ryo: what's wrong.

Koneko: your an ass.

Time skip

It was night time and I finally did it I made both a holy sword and a demonic sword I had a barrier around my shop so that no one could sesne there energy.

It was night time and I finally did it I made both a holy sword and a demonic sword I had a barrier around my shop so that no one could sesne there energy

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Holy avenger


This sword deals 1000% more damage to devil's and any one who meet the blade and takes there health for the user.

This sword deals 1000% more damage to devil's and any one who meet the blade and takes there health for the user

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Corrupted rose


This sword deals 1000% more damage to angels and said their health to go in to the user.

I smiled evilly I looked at corrupted rose and saw the blood red aura surrounding it I held it close to me as the aura surrounding it was calmed down as if it relaxed I then put it away in my inventory I then picked up holy avenger as I looked at it I still can't believe it I made these.

Indura: their incredible.

Indura said as he was on my shoulders.

Indura: it's been a long time since I've seen a holy or a demonic sword but the original holy sword Excalibur couldn't compare to this sword this sword is so incredibly powerful around 10 times stronger than it and that includes your demonic sword also ryo your incredible I'm glad to call you my partner.

Ryo: thank you indura that means a lot coming from you.

Indura: yes but I got a question I understand why you name the holy Sword holy avenger but why did you name the demonic sword corrupted rose?

Ryo: because to be demonic you need to be corrupted right.

Indura: yes.

Ryo: and this sword is beautiful isn't it.

Indura: indeed.

Ryo: so I named it after the corrupted soul and the beauty of one of the world's most beautiful flowers.

Indura: I see that makes sense now.

Ryo: I'm going to show them off at the party.

Indura: if you do that you know people will come after you correct.

Ryo: I do know that but remember I'm in devil territory and if someone messes with koneko then rias will be pissed and have her brother help her kill who ever hurt her friends.

Indura: hmm.

Ryo: and I've put so many fucking traps seals and mines I have in my house and the outside to go off in someone has any evil intentions on the people living inside the house.

Indura: you this pretty figured out.

Ryo: I hope so cause when I do tell them I made them and that I want to open a shop then there will be plenty of people wanting holy and demonic swords which I would only make for someone I could trust.

Indura: like who.

Ryo: hmm well how about issei for example.

Indura: aw the red dragon emperor but why him.

Ryo: I trust him as a friend I'm slowly breaking his perverted ways when his perverted friends asked if he wanted to see a porno then he said no I couldn't believe it you see I know for a fact that he would be targeted in rating games for obvious reasons but and in the future there's going to be plenty of trouble with strays I just know it also there's kiba but he wants to destroy the holy Swords because of his passed I think I might give him a demonic sword to help him but I'll tell him that the holy Swords aren't evil they are chosen to be what there weilder wants wither it be protection or a weapon of mass destruction it's all up to the people who weild the weapons themselves.

Indura: I see.

Ryo: yep.

Indura: so why did you let rias do the training to day.

Ryo: I wanted to see what she would do and honestly I'm disappointed she didn't even train herself she's just wanting to improve on her peerage but she did read some books on strategy so I'll give her a little slide this time.

Indura: and this training gear you've made.

Ryo: ah yes well I've made bracelets that weight 500 pounds each 2 to go on koneko's legs and 2 go on her arms I also made a sword that's 500 pounds for kiba I'm also having Asia go through training with alucard so that if she gets hit it won't automatically Knock her out I've also made akeno Ria's and Asia rings so that conserve there magic power so they can last longer I'm also making rias go through endurance training while akeno needs her speed increased.

Indura: are doing this before or after the zombie army training.

Ryo: before I'll start it on the 3rd day.

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