chapter 18

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Indura: so what's your name.

Ryo: ryo.

I had to ask.

Ryo: I thought there was only two heavenly dragons.

Indura: well I was erased from all mentions in history because I'm the most powerful of the 3 even though I'm the youngest.

Ryo: cool.

Indura: and there was a small thing to do with killing some people in the great war from the fallen angel and devil factions.

Ryo: what about heaven.

Indura: I'll get to that later but we'll i didn't know these people was suppose to leaders in there factions and well let's just say I went in to hiding and well I then met God you know the one that died.

Ryo: yep.

Indura: wait you knew he was dead.

Ryo: yep.

Indura: ok after this I'm going to ask about that but before he died he allowed me to stay in heaven quite a beautiful place you see heaven is a lot like earth but the people aren't prinks there was a mountain that he gave me to have this is the image of it but it doesn't compare to it he came to me one day and asked for my help i was still recovering from a battle between great red and and orphis  he asked me to help weaken the 666 beast so he could seal it I agreed you see I could take it on if I was at full power but I couldn't so we set out to seal the damn thing After we got the job done I saw God wouldn't make so I ask him if he could make me in to a sacred gear he asked me why I told him that I also was dying but not from the fight of great red and orphis but I accidentally are poison I lot actually I thought those red berries was to sour to be cherrys.

Ryo: you a bit clumsy huh.

Indura: yes well all the heavenly dragons have something they ain't proud of but any way God was chuckling at how clumsy I was and well he gave me the power to choose who would have my sacred gear you are my first weilder ryo would you like to know my powers.

Ryo: yes please.

Indura:*chuckling* ok so my primary magic is my lightning but I know all forms of magic I didn't just train my body like the others I trained my mind as well you see this is my saying a strong body doesn't always last but a smart mind will always last but like draig and Albion I also have a power draig has his boost Albion has his divide and I have absorb you see I can absorb the power that the person hits me with and take that in as my users power but my user keeps the power after the that one I'm fighting will get there power back but you shall also have even more power then before I know it hard to understand but I hope you do.

Ryo: so basically I can get stronger by people punching me it takes that strength and adds it to mine but doesn't affect the opponent after the battle.

Indura: yes but it does affect them during battle they can't use as much power in there next hit.

Ryo: oh ok I think I get.

Indura: so on to the more interesting part you see my power is so great that the user will be come around 70% Dragon there won't be any changes except there eyes they can change them to dragon eyes whenever they want or sharpen there teeth when they want.

Ryo: that's so cool!

Indura: huh I thought you'd be made.

Ryo: nope I can play pranks now.

Indura: oh I get you like being an ass to people.

Ryo: yep but only people I love.

Indura: also to summon your sacred gear just focus on your hands you can already summon them my sacred gear is called chaos lightning you play games right.

Ryo: yep.

Indura: ok well let's say that you have 10 points in strength then you summoned me I give that 30 more points do you get it but that's only because of how strong you are right now.

Ryo: ok so basically I'm a badass with a badass as a sacred gear.

Indura: correct.

Ryo: ok so draig is the red dragon emperor Albion is the white Dragon emperor and we are?

Indura: the lightning Dragon emperor.

Ryo: thank God I hate the sound of purple Dragon emperor.

Indura: you and me both.

Ryo: so just curious how long do I have til I can unlock my balance breaker.

I was ecstatic.

Indura: well I'd say if you kept up your training is say in about a month maybe 2.

Ryo: ok.

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