Ryo: wait really!?!?
Sanji: yes.
Time skip.
After we cleaned up I saw that they was packing their stuff cause they was going to come in my peerage I looked through my inventory and saw the skill books I got from sirzecks and grafia.
Skill books
Details:Go places you've been before.
Wand/ staff making.
Details: you can make wands and magic staffs.
Would you like to learn these?
I thought yes I then saw that they was done.
Sanji: ok we're done now what.
Ryo: well we telaport also how long was i out for?
Zora:3 days.
Ryo: shit I'm dead.
Sanji: girlfriend.
Ryo: girlfriend.
I then telaported us and their stuff to the living room of my castle and said.
Ryo: master bedrooms mine do whatever I need to go get scolded and tell them about this.
Sanji: good luck.
Zora: I feel sorry for you.
I then telaported outside my house as I slowly opened the door I didn't see anyone it was quiet to quiet I used sneak and Ninjestu to quietly as possible look around the house I saw that alucard was in the living room watching TV I then went in to the kitchen as I jumped on to the light fixture over the table as I see koneko and Asia and sona talking worried.
Sona: where could he have gone he just can't of disappeared.
Asia: maybe he went on a trip.
Koneko: hmm no he would of told us.
I then see orphis walk in she spots me instantly and smiled an evil smile I begged with my eyes but.
Orphis: he's right here.
They all looked at her as she pointed at the light fixture i sighed and turned off sneak and Ninjestu as I see Asia pout and sona and Koneko looking mad.
Koneko: ryo get down here.
Ryo: no your going to be mad at me.
Sona: oh your damn right we are.
Asia: bad boy ryo.
Ryo: but it's not my fault Azazel ga-
I then quickly covered my mouth with my hand as I saw that sona and Koneko's eyes widened.
Sona: do you mean Azazel the governor of fallen angels?
I was now sweating bullets.
Sona: well.
Ryo:*sheepishly* well maybe.
Koneko: ryo.
Ryo: I mean yes it was he had me do a secret mission so I couldn't tell you.
I then drop-down as I was then tackled in to a hug on to the floor.
Ryo: also sirzecks gave me a house and I got new peerage members.
I also see orphis hugging me.
Asia: ryo are they girls?
Ryo: no why.
Asia: good.
I then remembered something.
Ryo: oh yeah I forgot to give them their pieces.
Koneko: that's just like you.
Sona: yeah that it.
They then got off of me and I ask them.
Ryo: ok who what's to go meet them.
They all raised their hands.
Sona: also I'll have my peerage taking our stuff to the new house I was the one to pick the spot out but I don't know what it looks like.
I sweat dropped.
Ryo: you know if you think it's small your mistaken.
Alucard: allow me to come as well.
Frost: me too.
Ryo: sure the more the merrier.
I then telaported us to the living room as I see zora and sanji still unpacking they both see us.
Zora: yo.
Sanji: welcome to the crap cafe.
Zoro: so ryo which ones your girlfriend.
Just then the girls say.
Frost/sona/koneko/Asia/orphis:all of us.
Both there eyes was widened wait did I hear frost say that she was too.
Ryo:*sigh* allow me to introduce you to my family.
Sanji: so your in his peerage.
Sona: not quite you see I'm one of his girlfriend's.
Koneko: me too.
Frost: I'm his familer.
Asia: I'm his bishop and I'm his girlfriend.
Orphis: I'm the Dragon God of infinite and he's my mate but in other words I'm his girlfriend.
Ryo: orphis might look like a little girl but she's really old.
I then get.
Ryo:*whining* oww.
Sanji: also we need our evil pieces.
Ryo: ok.
I then took out the box and soreythe pieces on the table.
Ryo: ok so Zora your first put your hand over the pieces and which ever glows then that's your piece.
Zora does as I sat and when I see him get to the knight it glowed I wasn't surprised.
Ryo: ok now sanji your turn.
He does the same thing as I saw that a pawn glowed I picked up a knight and pawn piece and held them up.
Ryo: ok now I'm going to explain these to you you see Zora you shall be a knight a knights ability is his speed but it can also be a weakness like a glass cannon you need to constantly train your endurance and strength but also your intelligence understand Zora.
Zora: I do don't just rely on my speed but my skills.
Ryo: correct.
I then help up the pawn piece.
Ryo: sanji your going to be a pawn a lot of people think that the pawn is the weakest piece but it is one of the strongest you see if I declared an area enemy territory then you can promote your self to any of the other pieces except for the king do you understand.
Sanji: yes I have the most potential to be effective in battle.
Ryo: correct.
I then held the Knight piece up to Zoras chest.
Ryo: as the king commands so shall it be i ask of you roronoa Zora be my sword and I your sheild I ask of you to be my knight.
I then saw the piece go in to his chest as I held up the pawn piece to sanji's chest.
Ryo: as the king commands so shall it be I ask of you vinsmoke Sanji be my friend in this journey of ours become not my pawn but my family I ask this of you.
I then see the piece go in to his chest.
Ryo: and welcome to the family.

DxD Gamer
FanficA guy dies and gets put in a dxd gamer world. #1- in Gamer November 8th.