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Harry woke in the middle of the night to soft crying coming from the sleeping bag next to him. He got up and went to see who it was. As he suspected Mason was crying. He jerked wildly in his sleep. Harry sat at his side. He began to hum and stroke the boys hair. The cries ceased. And Mason opened his eyes.

He saw Harry and smiled. "Thank you Harry," he said a genuine look of gratitude on his face. "It wasn't a problem, but do you mind telling me what is troubling you?" Harry inquired. Mason looked down at his lap sighing. "Umm, I mean I guess you should know," Harry just looked at Mason knowingly. "My parents are both Aurors and they work to defeat dark wizards. They went on a mission just before school started and now one has seen or heard from them since," Mason's eyes became teary again. "Want a hug?" Harry asked.

Mason just nodded leaning into Harry's arms. He hugged the small boy, who reminded him so much of himself. The more he thought about it, Mason's friend Kate also shared some of his key attributes. Harry wondered also why Kate had the same blond hair color as Malfoy or Masons eyes being almost identical to Malfoy's. He wondered why he noticed these things. Mason noticed his odd behavior and tugged Harry's sleeve.  "Harry are you okay?"

"I am fine Mason, thank you" he stated as he shrugged off his thoughts. Mason asked him to stay until he feel asleep and Harry quickly agreed. About 30 minutes had passed and Mason was once again asleep. Harry made his way over to his bag. He lay down and closed his eyes. Harry soon drifted into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning he woke to find Mason up and about getting ready for the day. Harry got up and joined him, he walked to the loo and began to change. As he lifted his shirt to take off he saw a tattoo in the mirror. He examined it and in surprise of its contents dropped the rest of his clothes. He needed to show Mason. He shuffled for his clothes changing as quickly as he could. He knew Mason would leave after he ate. He rushed out of the loo and to the hall where he found Mason eating breakfast.

He sighed in relief walking up to Mason. "Hey Mason," he said. "Hey Harry what's up?" he asked, "I got a new tattoo that you absolutely need to see" he whispered. Mason looked a bit shocked at the oddity, but nodded. Harry lifted his shirt to show Mason the tattoo above his pelvis. "Blimey Harry, why do you have a tattoo of Kate on you?" Mason whisper shouted. "I don't know but she must be a clue to my soulmate"

I hope you all enjoyed and as always comment as well as vote if you enjoyed!
~Omelette ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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