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Harry couldn't say he was exactly thrilled to be catching a disgusting old man. He lay awake with his eyes closed. The plan was about to be exiucuted. Harry had made sure the rat was in the room and gave the go ahead to Sirius, who was hidden underneath his bed. The other presence was comforting. His job was to clear any suspicion Dumbledore may have of him.Sirius was going to capture Pettigrew and bring him to Remus and Draco who were standing by in the Shreiking Shack. Remus was on torture duty while Draco handled truth serums.

In just a couple minutes the clock would strike eleven o'clock pm. That was go time. Harry's small observation job didnt allow him to see the interrogation. He would have to wait until morning to get the full story. This was partially because the other three wanted him as far out of harm's way as possible. He waited for the clock to chime. He waited for what seemed like hours. Finally the clock began to chime, Sirius crept out of underneath his bed. He padded his way over to Ron's bed. In a flash of light and high pitched scream all the third year Gryfindors were up.

Harry followed suit sitting up, acting confused. He looked around and his eyes landed on Ron. His poor friend looked like he was about to vomit. "Ron are you okay, you look like you might puke." Harry questioned concern lacing his tone. "Sirius Black, he was just in my face and I thought he was gonna kill me." Ron shuddered. "Do you want me to get the headmaster or maybe Hermione," He asked, Ron nodded. "Get both please," Ron said as he continued to shake. "Neville, can you stay with Ron?" Harry asked. "Sure" he responded.

With Neville watching Ron, Harry's part of the plan was in motion. He called for Hermione from the bottom of the stairs until she came rushing out in alarmas well as a couple other girls. "Ron needs you Hermione," he shouted, that seemed enough reason for her and she came rushing down and passed Harry heading straight to the boy's dormitory. As she rushed up the stairs Harry rushed out the picture hole and towards Dumbledore's office. Once he reached the gargoyle, he cried in the most convincing worried tone as he could "A student in gryfindor house just saw Sirius Black, please can I see the Proffesor." The Gargoyle revealed the staircase and Harry bounded up. He knocked on the door. He heard come in, and pushed open the door.

"Dumbledore, sir, Ron just saw Sirius Black sir. The house is freaking out a bit sir," he gasped. Dumbledore stood from his chair. "I see, that is urgent, I will go to Ron and please go fetch Proffesor McGonagall."

"Yes sir, right away" he said. He and Dumbledore left the study, splitting off at the stairs. Dumbledore headed to the Tower and Harry headed to Mcgonagall's office. He trusted Mcgonagall, she had promised to give him a home with her if he didnt find a place other than the Dursley's. It had made him so happy when she offered. If they couldn't clear Sirius's name then he would stay with her. When he made it to her office he knocked on the door, he waited a couple seconds until she opened it. "It is rather late Mr.Potter, what do you need?" She asks, he inhales and says "Ron's just seen Sirius Black, Dumbledore told me to get you." She pushes her glasses up a bit and straightens her posture a bit, "I see, then we must go at once." Harry followed her to the tower, all the while wishing desperately he could tell her the truth.

Once they made it to the Gryffindor Tower, they found the students in chaos. Harry went straight away to find Mason, who he knew after the last incident couldn't deal with this kind of chaos. As McGonagall calmed the students, Harry found Mason huddled in a corner. He looked absolutely terrified. Harry had a suspicion it was because of the chaos rather than the event that had just taken place. He lightly tapped Mason's shoulder. "Do you want me to get you out of here?" He asked. Mason hugged Harry in conformation. He hoisted the boy onto his back and carried him out of the common room and down toward the Slytherin dorms.

He asked the portrait if he could enter. The Potrait of Salazar Slytherin was reluctant at first, but relieved the importance of entry as Mason whimpered. Harry carefully brought the boy to Draco's dorm and opened the door, Draco was obviously not there, but Harry knew he wouldn't mind. He lay Mason on the bed and went to search for the girls dormitories. He looked for a while till he felt a wand prod his neck. "What do you think you're doing here sneaking around in the dark, Potter?" He knew that voice. "Pansy thank Merlin, Mason is having an emotional meltdown." Pansy lowered her wand, understanding immediately, "Wait just a second I'll get Kate," and with that she rushed up a set of stairs, turned a corner and disappeared.

Harry waited a couple minutes until a worried Kate scrambled down the stairs in her PJ's. Harry led her to Draco's room. Where Mason was huddled in a ball on the bed, crying silently. Pansy had followed them in. "Harry, why do you know which room is Draco's? And where is Draco?

Thank you so much for reading! I hope the longer chapter makes up for my late post. I apprciate all of you who still read this! I feel like many have lost intrest, but that may just be my anxiety speaking. Oh well. I just started winter break so if posting is delayed I apologize. Remember I love you all! Happy Holidays Everyone!


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