Ridin' ~ Jeno

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You spent a long afternoon in detention.

Your parents had realised that you really needed some discipline and so they agreed and allowed for the teachers to hold you back late.

What traitors.

And to be honest it wasn't even that big of a deal, but because the school and your parents are so strict they decided to really take it seriously, even though you were just doing what had to be done.

Like honestly all I did was slap a hoe, she had it coming, what's the problem with putting someone in their place?

She had been bitching about you to the whole school, and you had enough.

I think she learned her lesson though.

You exit the school building, walking down the steps and out into the sunset painted outdoors, a light wind picking up, blowing in your face gently.

Your parents aren't going to pick you up, they said you had to walk home, because they were supposedly 'incredibly disappointed' with how you handled the problem because apparently "violence isn't an option."

You know deep in your heart that your father was proud of you, but he's just too scared of your mum to admit it so he went with whatever she was saying.

But you honestly didn't mind walking, it was refreshing and helped get your mind off of things, you didn't have much on your mind except how much you just wanted to get home and sleep, staying in late at school is tiring.

You walk along the sidewalk past many buildings, not many people are out as it's just beginning to get dark.

As you turn a corner you hear a few voices starting to speak, coming from behind you.

The voices sounded awfully familiar but you just pass it off.

It wasn't until you had reached a further 10 meters when you felt a hand on your shoulder, you quickly turn around and see a tall boy, three actually.

And guess who was in the center of all of them.

You roll your eyes as you stare at the bitch who now had a smirk on her face.

Too baby to fight me head on, she had to get her brothers.

"Yes Anhjong? Can I help you?"
You say confidently, but secretly scared of her brothers mean faces and strong builds.

Pulling your shoulder out of his grip, you take a couple steps back and fold your arms, eyeing each one of them.

Well y/n you're in deep shit now.

You know full well that Anhjong's brothers are fighters, it's a wonder that she was so pathetic.

"So, I heard you hurt my baby sister y/n."
In-su says, now an evil grin planted on his face.

"Do you want me to be honest here?"
They look at each other, looking taken aback by the calm comment.

Well if I'm gonna die here then I might as well go out in style.

"Your 'baby' sister is kind of a bitch, but you were right to address her as a baby because that is exactly what she is, she couldn't even fight back."

Anhjong gasps loudly. Her brothers Lunge towards you but luckily your instincts kick in, forcing you to turn and run.

"Get back here we aren't done with you!"
She screams out in her awful voice as her brothers chase after you.

You continue to run, running around buildings in hope they would give up.

Good thing mama didn't raise a pussy.

However, they don't give up and continue to scream abuse at you as they try and catch up.

"We're going to hurt you way worse than you hurt our sister!"

"Stop running you dumbass, we'll just make it more painful when we catch you."

"You can't run forever, just wait until we get our hands on you!"

Oh boy were they fast, if it weren't for your life on the line you wouldn't be running this fast.

You run faster than you ever have before, probably could have won a gold medal for it.
As you turn a corner, your lungs and feet felt like they were about to give up on you.

You were about to admit defeat until you see a familiar boy standing beside his motorbike, scrolling through his phone.

A smile forms on your face as you recognise him.

"JENO!!" You call out loudly to your boyfriend.

Hallelujah, what did I do so good in this world to get this kind of luck?

He looks away from his phone and smiles as he sees you running his way, not only you but three boys a bit older than him following behind you.

He gets on his motorbike and ushers for you to get on too.

"Get on loser. You have some explaining to do."

You smile and manage to keep the pace up to his bike, quickly throwing your legs either side of it and holding onto his waist.

"DRIVE!" You yell as you turn and notice the boys meters from you.

With a chuckle he revs the motor and releases the clutch quickly, you jolt at the sudden movement but try and catch your breath as you're now safe.

"We'll just get you tomorrow y/n, and we'll make sure to get him too while we're at it!"

Their screams become more distant as you bury the side of your face into his warm back.

"Well that sounds fun, care to explain why they were trying to bash you?"
He says, turning his head slightly.

"Jeno, those were Ahnjong's brothers."
You say loud enough so he can hear over the engine.

He lets out a small laugh.
"I heard about that. Did she hurt you at all?"

"No, she was too busy screaming for someone to 'get this ugly bitch off me'"
You mimic her god awful voice.

You feel his laughter through your arms which are wrapped around his waist snuggly.

"That's daddy's girl."
He says, pulling up at the park nearby your house and getting off the bike.

"Since when have I ever called you Daddy?"
You say getting off the bike too.

"Hm, I don't know. Since I just saved your pretty ass maybe you should consider it. You owe me now. And you'll owe me double now that they want me killed too."

You sigh heavily. "You're the worst."

"Uh-uh, you forgot a word."
Jeno says, now holding onto your hips, his forehead pressing onto yours.

You roll your eyes, knowing exactly what he wants.
"You're the worst, daddy."

He bites his lip in satisfaction before pulling you close and kissing you deeply. You throw your hands in his hair, knowing he loves it when you pull at it.

It lasts a long time before he pulls away from hungrily claiming your lips, walking back to his motorbike.

"As much as I'd love to continue, I'm sure your parents are waiting for you."

You pout a little before giving him a wave, walking back to your house. He watches you every step of the way before taking off again.

A/N: New story, but most importantly,
My babies did so well I was screaming when it was released.


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