Disney World ~ Park Jisung

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"Are you crazy?"
He asks, holding both of your hands in his as he looks into your eyes with fear.

"Of course! Let's do it!"
You were excited as you dragged Jisung into the line, highlight the word dragged. He did not want to go on the ride, his plans for your trip to Disney World were to ride a few teacup rides and eat Mickey Mouse shaped doughnuts, not go on the scariest roller coaster he has ever laid eyes on. His heart pounded and his fingers trembled just looking up at it. He bit his trembling lip, his grip on your hand tighter.

You had heard about this ride, the fastest roller coaster at Disney World. Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, going from 0-60 miles per hour in under 3 seconds. Being the thrill seeker you are, how could you not go?

Your smile widens as you hear the rumbling of the carriages scraping along the tracks as the passengers screams echoe through the whole amusement park. Your stomach was twisted in knots with fear and expectation but you were so excited. Your fiancé, however, was not.

"Do we need to do this one? Why can't we go back on the teacups or go find some characters, hm? I heard that Donald Duck is around here somewhere..."
He steadily says, trying to pull you out of the long line of people. Your feet are rooted in place, you aren't going anywhere until you go on this ride. No matter how many times his delicate eyelashes flutter convincingly over his puppy dog eyes, no matter how much he pouts and tilts his head to the side, you keep the both of you in the line.

The line was long, maybe 150-200 meters until you reach the gates and entry booth. Crowds of people line up behind you, footsteps shuffling whenever people move up. There were young kids, adults and teenagers either excitedly jumping up and down or holding back any sign of fear as they stare up at the lightning fast roller coaster.

It had turns, twists and loops, trails leading up just to send you rocketing down the peak. It looked so frightening, but that's how you love it. You comfortingly wrap an arm around Jisung, resting your head onto his side but he doesn't unstiffen from his frozen position.

The line slowly but surely inches forward, and after a few dozen minutes of waiting you reach the gates. Passengers are let through, including you and Jisung. You lead him to a carriage, smiling meanwhile he had his eyes wide open in fear, looking at the track ahead.

There was no way out of it for him, he knew you wouldn't let him skip it. So, he reluctantly sat down in the duo seat with you, his breathing unsteady but he never lets go of your hand. You notice his frightened expression, it was adorable.

The ride assistants tighten the safety belts, lowering the over-shoulder bar. Jisung doesn't say a word, his fingers wrapped tightly around your hand like it was the end of the world.

"Are you ready?"
You ask, taking the spare time to try and comfort him while the assistants check everyone else.

He shakes his head, his eyes meeting yours.
"When I die-"

You cut him off with your laughter, but he doesn't join in. He looked dead serious.

"The ride isn't going to kill you."

"No, but I will have a heart attack from it."

You lift his pale knuckles up to your lips, kissing each one softly in hope to calm the frightened mouse down. He was so cute when he was scared!

You lower your hands back down when you hear the starting music, the voice of a man saying unintelligible words about the ride. The only words that caught your attention were supposedly the starting lines.

Jisung turns his head away, staring at the front of the track.

You were catapulted forward, the ride lurching along the track at a fast speed making everyone on it scream at the sudden start. Screams filled the air as the wind whipped at your face, the nerves in your stomach going crazy. You hadn't braced at all, your breath caught in your chest.

It was intense.

The carriage raced along the thin metal tracks, going upside down with every loop. Your stomach clenched at every drop and every time the ride decided to pick up the speed. It was frightening.

Before you knew it, the ride was over. You swear you blacked out or something because that went by really quickly.

The ride slowly drifts back to the starting place, your breathing was heavy. You turn to look at your fiancé beside you. His eyes were squeezed shut and your hand felt like it was loosing all circulation. His hair was so messy from the wind.

"Jisung, it's over."
You say, lightly tapping on the back of his hand.

He gently cracks open an eye, a frown coating his face as he fully opens them.

"We are never going on this again."

A/N: He's such a cutie🥺😌

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