Wake Up ~ Hyunjin

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You turn your head to locate the sound which has your heart pounding in an instant, but there is nothing to be seen. Your eyes flicker across every inch of the room, the roof, under the tables, and you still can't see the 'intruder.'

It was the second time the tapping of feet has reached your ears tonight. The quick footsteps running across the diameter of the room, and each time they appear closer and closer to your seat at the counter.

You were on your laptop at the kitchen counter, trying to finish off a form for work. You knew it had to be done by tomorrow, but it is beginning to get hard to focus when your mind is playing tricks on you.

The house was empty.

No cats, no dogs, no Hyunjin.

Nothing, and no one but you.

So what the hell is sending chills down your spine with every eerie noise and creak of the floorboards?

You slap your cheeks a couple times, thinking you're just tired before you turn back to your work. Your breathing was compressed by the gaining weight of fear, but you didn't want to be too unfocused so you try and brush it aside.

Before you knew it, you were back to typing out lines, the fear of the random noises and sounds fading away as you get immersed in the pages.

That only lasted a minute or so..


'What the fuck?!?!'
The rush of footsteps you could of sworn you heard force your head to turn away from the screen and directly behind you where you are met with the face of nothing. The sound of cold feet slapping the wooden floor were right behind you, coming directly at you from the other side of the room. And yet there is nothing there.

"Who's there?"
You call out, feeling silly when there is no voice but your own to be heard in the room. Your heart was pounding faster than it ever has, your hands wanting to tremble so bad.
'I've watched too many horror movies.'

However, you can't get back to your work. This is getting too fucking creepy. You stand up from the chair, looking around the whole room. Behind you, on the roof, every wall. And yet there is absolutely nothing. 'Maybe we have ghosts?'

The fear growing in your body was beginning to be too much, the memory of the running sounds being too much. You bite your lower lip, the house was dead silent. Tears burn in your eyes, it was getting that freaky.

You need to leave the house, but what if it really was nothing? Anyway, who is going to believe you? 'I heard footsteps at 12 o'clock at night and now I'm too scared to stay in my house.' You have to stay, your morality and other peoples perception on your sanity relies on it. You don't exactly want people to think your crazy.

The silence and stillness of the room is frightening, and you were just wishing to see a mouse or literally a cat. Anything but nothing or a dark shadow or some scary shit. Anything.

You begin to question if you even heard it, maybe your brain just wants you to go to sleep that bad that it's going to play tricks on you to make it happen sooner. It was working, because now there is no where you want to be but under your covers. It would be better if Hyunjin was here too, but he's out for the rest of the week.

You inhale deeply, trying to tame your nerves and pounding heart. The footsteps sounded human, they sounded heavy and stable, like a child running on the bare ground.

You take another spin, turning around slowly to face the kitchen. Nothing. You turn to the lounge. Nothing. The TV. Nothing. The back door. Guess what? Nothing. No one.

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