The Cat - Minho (Part 2)

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You gulped down the rest of your bitter coffee, feeling slightly sickened as you placed yet another empty mug in the sink.

You were a wreck. You were tired, confused and had to manage a way to get around at work today with minimal pain to your foot. It's not like you could call in sick, you need this money and you had people you promised you would treat for their problems. You're just lucky you're not working at the bar tonight too.

After changing the bandages and throwing a sock on, you slipped your feet into your black leather boots and take a couple baby steps to see if it was fine. It wasn't. It hurt like crazy with every second your foot was pressed with full weight onto the ground. But there wasn't anything you could do.

After downing a couple painkillers and hiding your dark eyes in layers of makeup, you were out the door.

The day at work was distracting. Not only the sharp stinging in your foot with every step, but also the questions that were swimming around in your head. You couldn't get a minute of work in without your head screaming at you to solve this case. You had patients to treat, you had people to help so you tried to convince yourself that you would think about it more when you get home instead.

Now here you are, driving home in the rain. The awful, pouring rain. Apparently a thunderstorm was coming, and you were not prepared. Thunder and lightning scares you, while rain just puts you at unease. There was a lot of thinking which had to be done though, a couple strange questions to try and extrapolate on your own.

"How did he know where his cat was?"
"How did he unlock the window?"
"Why was that cat so damn smart?"
"Why did he seem hurt, and why were they in a rush?"

You grab your handbag, closing the car door behind you and pulling your keys from your long jacket pocket. You walk up to the front door, when you notice light spilling from the crack between the floor and the door. Did you leave a light on before you left? You curiously grab the door handle, and it turns just like you expected...

Someone's in the house...

Again? What if someone's standing by the entrance with a gun ready to shoot you? What if thieves stole all your stuff and made a dash before you could get home? It's not like you had much to lose anyway so you push the door open widely, looking around carefully before stepping in.

You stuff your keys into your pocket, closing your fists incase you need to bop someone in the nose✨

Your eyes instantly focus the back of your couch where you find a familiar sight.

"You broke into my house again!"
You yell, the boy taking notice of you and smiling widely.

Atasi jumps off the edge of the couch, running in tiny font towards you as Minho reaches around him to grab something.

You feel too annoyed to pat the fluffy cat, so you just stand there in disbelief and exasperation as you watch the boy with soft brown hair and a sweet face. At least your questions might get answered tonight.

"I brought these for you. I felt bad for what happened."
Minho says, hopping off the couch and walking towards you with a bundle of pink flowers and a silver box of chocolates in his hands.

Though you love chocolate, and the carnations are pretty, that doesn't disregard the fact that he's broken into your house twice now, one of those times giving you a painful injury.

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