Pregnancy ~ Seonghwa

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You wake up, it was still dark outside.

For the first time since your pregnancy, you don't feel sick first thing when you wake up. You felt so relieved, not having to strategically run to the bathroom now.

Your doctor told you that because you are past your first trimester, your morning sickness symptoms should come to a close and ease off a little, however, for the first 2 weeks of your second trimester it was the same as the first, which is totally normal.

You are currently 15 weeks pregnant, symptoms coming in as strong as possible. Nausea, back pain, sickness, fatigue, mood swings, you name it.

It's your first baby, so all these feelings and symptoms and are new and unpleasant.

To be honest, the baby wasn't planned. You and your husband were a little shocked to find out but you will work it out together, but you couldn't be happier.

Speaking of your husband.

Seonghwa's arms were wrapped around you, holding you close to him. His breathing was steady, cooling down the back of your neck. His warm, large hand was resting right above your baby bump that was starting to form.

The baby was roughly the size of a large navel orange, and your stomach has started to grow which was somewhat alarming at first.

You decided that your side on position was uncomfortable, so you shift around slowly.

The smallest movement jolts Seonghwa awake.
"The baby?!"
He gasps out, head lifted up from the pillow with his eyes red from exhaustion.

You suddenly felt bad, all the mornings he would have been worried and awoken as soon as you get up to rush to the bathroom.

"No Hwa, we're okay."

He rests his head back down, relaxing back into the bed as you continue your movements.

"I had a dream. I got worried."
He says, voice deep and quiet.

"What was it about?"
You ask, laying your head down on his chest, careful to keep your stomach off the bed.

"I don't want to say. It was strange."

A small exhale of a laugh leaves your nostrils. You can kind of guess what it was based off the first words he said when he woke up all panicked. However, you still have a long time to go until that happens.

Once again, he wraps his arm around you, careful as ever and you both go back to sleep.


"Is everyone ready?"
Hongjoong yells out excitedly to the yard full of people.

Every one of Seonghwa's and your's friends and family members were there, waiting for that one moment.

There were blue and pink streamers and balloons everywhere, everyone had a party popper in their hands which held the answer.

You and Hwa were side by side, hand in hand. Either side of you two was a massive black balloon with a white question mark, a pin in each of your spare hands.

Seonghwa gives your hand a little squeeze, and you both nod with big smiles on your faces.

Hongjoong, Wooyoung, San and Yeosang look giddy, the most excited you have ever seen them, jumping around on the grass awaiting the reveal to find out if they're having a niece of nephew. Yunho, Jongho and Mingi look like they are about to pass out, probably from spinning in circles aimlessly while waiting for everything to be set up, but they wore large smiles too.

"On one!"
San yells.

The call of the numbers fills the backyard.

"9, 8, 7.."

Without letting go of your hand, Seonghwa moves both of your hands down to your bump, resting them gently on it. You feel tears sting in the back of your eyes from this moment, but you make a subconscious agreement not to shed one until the gender is revealed.



You hold the pin up to the balloon beside you as you watch the crowd of people ready their poppers.

"2, 1!"

The burst of party poppers and the balloons popping was almost silent amongst everyone's yells of happiness.

Shouts of congratulations and excitement over the gender is heard, your eyes are blurry from the light tears glistening over your eyes, a few slipping past your lash line.

Seonghwa pulls you into his arms as a rain of pink glitter, streamers and smoke rains down over you both.

You bury your cheek into his chest as you look at everyone jumping around and clapping, your smile so wide it's hurting your cheekbones.

"We're having a baby girl."
Seonghwa softly exclaims into your ear, swaying you both side to side.

The pink glitter settles on the ground, the pink smoke lingering for a while in the air.

A baby girl.

A/N: My heart died a little🥺

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