Tired ~ Felix

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You weakly slam the car door behind you, locking the car with the click of your keys. The neighbourhood streets were full of the darkness of night, the air cold whipping in gusts on your cheeks.

You take a couple steps to the door, but then realise somethings off...

'For fucks sake.'

You left your handbag in the car. So much for just wanting to get inside and flop down on the couch.

You turn back around, hanging your head low in frustration as you unlock it again. You open the door, pulling out the beige handbag and slinging it over your shoulder.

It's almost over, the long frustrating day. Work was hard as hell, you couldn't sleep well last night and so not only were you on the brink of collapsing of exhaustion, but your boss decided to keep you in a couple hours later for unpayed overtime. The poor lady seemed like she needed help, so being the selfless person you are, you said it wasn't a problem.

However, it is a problem. You're sure this is the most exhausted you've ever been, and it feels like you're about to cry if one more minor inconvenience happens. You didn't want to disturb Felix, who was probably asleep, so you slowly close the door instead of slamming it with all your might.

You take deep breaths, thinking about your bed which awaits you. Your bed and Felix were the only things that forced you through this awful day.

You drag your feet, pulling your keys from your bag and stepping up to the front door. You go to push the keys into the lock but your fingertips slip and your keys fall from your hands.

That was it

The last straw.

Your eyes sting with tears as you curse silently, squeezing your eyes shut. When you open them again a small tear slips out.

'Just get the keys, Y/N... then you can go inside and sleep.'

The strength you could muster up by crouching down was lost for standing back up again. The keys now in your hand but your ass now hard on the cold cement.

You throw your head back on the hardwood door, tears falling from your tired eyes and your body lacking all strength. You blankly stare out at the empty street, watching the small bugs fly around the dim streetlights.

There was no point to just sitting there, it's not like you could stay out there all night. But you just couldn't move. Everything took so much more effort than usual and your body was not taking it well at all.

Your legs were stretched out, your hands loose in your lap as slow salty tears fall down your pale cheeks. Your face was void of all expression, no thoughts running through your mind.

You were totally zoned out until a pair of arms hook themselves from under yours.

"C'mon baby... what're you doing..?"
He asks softly, his voice deep and calming like the thunder in a sweet storm.

You let him pull you up, dragging you into the house where he holds you in his warm embrace from behind.

He reaches his head around, looking at your lifeless expression. He smiles sadly before placing a delicate kiss on your temple. You close your eyes at the sudden wave of calmness and content, finally being able to relax into his arms.

You exhale deeply, resting the back of your head on his shoulder.

He slowly lets go, gently closing the front door before stepping in front of you. You open your eyes, his hands on your cheeks where he wipes away any remaining tears.

"Long day, huh?"
Felix asks, staring into your glossy eyes sadly.

You nod back, your eyelids lowering as your head leans into his touch. He leans forward, landing a small kiss on your forehead before taking your handbag off your shoulder and the keys from your hand, dropping them on the floor.

"Lucky it's the end of the week now..."

Your eyes open again as relief washes over you. You'd forgotten it was Friday...

He sees your relief and smiles sweetly. Without much debate, he hooks his arms back under yours, grabbing the back of your thighs in his hands and bending his knees slightly. You get the idea instantly and you pull your arms up around his neck, lifting your legs up onto his hips where he holds you up. He quickly adjusts you with a jump as he begins carrying you down the dark hallway.

You press your cheek onto his shoulder as he carries you like a child, closing your eyes again as you finally feel safe and calm. You felt so lucky in this moment...

He silently opens the door to the bedroom, flicking the switch before continuing to the bed.

Felix carefully crawls onto the bed, letting you fall down onto the comfortable mattress and bedsheets. You sink in and it felt like total heaven. He kneels up, looking around as he contemplates something.

He gets up from the bed, walking to his side where he opens his drawer, pulling out a big white T-shirt.

When he turns back around you were on your side, your eyes closed shut in a sleepy fashion.

"Baby, you don't want to sleep in your work clothes now do you?"
He says as he throws the shirt onto the bed beside you, his hands on his hips.

You groan, pouting lazily.

He sighs, walking back over to you where he takes off your heels, followed by your long black work pants.

"You're lucky I love you so much..."
He mumbles as he strips you of the rest of your clothing besides your undergarments. He sighs, struggling to force you into the T-shirt when you were doing absolutely nothing to help.

Felix successfully pulls the shirt over your body before reaching beneath it, unclipping your bra and throwing it out off to the side.

"Much better now, huh?"

You nod your head, looking up at him adoringly.

"Thank you..."
You whisper to him. He smiles in return as he pulls back the blankets, picking you up momentarily to get you under them. He walks back over to the door where he closes it and turns off the lights, silently walking back over to the bed.

He gets in too and snuggles close to you, holding you in his arms with your face pressed to his strong, warm chest. You can finally let go of all the tension in your body as you lie there, feeling the warmth of your boyfriend against you.

A/N: Whoop whoop another story!!

I have something important to address but I'll have that in a separate page to this one, since this page is dedicated to an angel by the name of Felix, while the thing I have to talk about is talking about a freaking monster...


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