Sweet Assistant ~ Yunho

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You steer the uncooperative shopping trolley down the baking aisle, looking at the wrinkled paper in your hands.

Your mum was busy with work given all the new cases of coronavirus, she was a nurse and it was her job to manage the disease faculty. It seemed like it would be another long night before she returned back, so you messaged her and offered to do the groceries for her.
(A/N: You best be staying safe at home not like y/n over here)

The list wasn't too long, and you have been with your mum for weekly shops to know enough about where everything is. However, you didn't know where a few things were. So here you are, slowly pushing the trolley down the slightly empty aisles as your eyes trail up and down each shelf.

Already, in the trolley was full of fruits and vegetables, pasta, tinned tomatoes, a couple bags of sweets and other various food items. The only thing you needed left was sweetened condensed milk for your mums baking, and that's what you've been looking for.

A few strangers walked by and you smiled at them, only to realise they can't see you smile and you probably just look like you're squinting heavily at them because of your face mask. It wasn't something you were used to yet.

The shelves were tall, and you hoped that the last item you need for this trip to the grocery store wouldn't be on the top shelf, because there is no way you can reach that far without literally climbing the shelves.

Your eyes skim across the bags of flour, the powdered sugar, baking powder, vanilla essence... food dye... fondant... and eventually, right where you hoped it not to be... the condensed milk.

Right on the top shelves stood the stacks of cans. The top shelves.

You pull the trolley to a stop, stepping in front of the shelf before you. The store speaker cuts the faint music for a second, a woman's voice unclearly murmuring throughout the store. You could kind of guess what it was, given it was nearly 8:30 at night. You'd have to make this quick.

You raise your right arm up, standing on your tippy toes and grabbing for the top shelf. Your fingertips brush on one of the cans, but you can't quite reach far enough to wrap your hand around it.

Shuffling as close as you can to the shelf, you rest your left hand on the shelf for stability as you stretch up as far as you can. Your fingers curl halfway around the length of the can, and you hope to pull it closer towards you.

But, having the luck you were given, the can is just pushed further back. You give up, getting off your toes and heaving a long sigh. 'Looks like Mum won't be making rocky road slice this week.'

Being the shy person you are, there is no way you're asking for help. Plus, there was barely anyone here. You were ready to turn back to your trolley when a long, masculine arm reaches up and grabs for the can on the top shelf.

You turn your head, looking up at the tall boy. You thought he was just grabbing it for himself, but he takes a step back and holds it out in front of you, looking down at you with his beautiful, brown eyes.

Though he was wearing a mask, you knew who it was the instant your eyes met his.

"Yunho.. Thank you."
You say, taking the can from his hand, turning to place it in the trolley.

"Oh, it's you."
He says, eyes crinkling into what you assume is a smile. His blonde dyed hair was starting to grow out, his dark brown hair peaking through the roots. You hadn't seen him or the rest of your class since Covid hit, it's all just been online school.

You look down at his other hand, a shopping basket with different food items. He's probably doing a small shop at this quiet hour too.

He puts a hand on his hip, having to lower his head to actually see you properly.
"How have you been?"

You hold your hands behind your back, shifting from foot to foot as he speaks.
"Kind of bored to be honest."

"I'm sure we all are, I just want the pandemic to be over so I can see everyone again."
What a social butterfly.

Even though you don't actively go out of your way to talk to people, you do miss seeing everyone at school. Your heart was doing leaps in your chest as you look up at your friend, also your low key crush.

To be honest, you missed seeing him, you missed hearing his voice, you missed having the pain in your neck from constantly looking up at him, you missed him.

You say, looking off to the side.

"Well, is there anything else I can help you with?"
He says, motioning to the top shelf.

"No, I've pretty much got it all."
You say, kind of laughing.

He smiles again, nodding and adjusting his mask.

"I would invite you out for dinner, but we're not really allowed to. Would we be able to postpone it until this is all over?"

The sudden confidence in the question made your eyes widen. Yunho wanting me to have dinner with him sometime?

"Like a date."
He adds.

"I- yeah uh sure. That would be fun."
You manage to say, clearing your throat from shock. Now you can't even look him in the eye, you're lucky you had a face mask on so he can't see your red tinted cheeks.

"Great, I'll message you. Stay safe."
He smiles, walking around you and down the aisle. You stand there for a few seconds, you could have sworn you just saw him wink.

Yunho, now feeling cocky that he managed to finally ask you out and got a positive answer, walks towards the front of the store, paying for all his items.

The speakers once again tune in and the woman's voice comes through.

Shoot, I should probably leave now.

(A/N: yo sorry I haven't updated in over a week, I was halfway through writing but then so much happened this week. Like, THE INCEPTION MUSIC VIDEO, the whole album, WayV Bad Alive English version. If not already, go start streaming!!)

Also, tysm for 1k reads!!

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