Hide and Seek~ Yuta

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The boys start giggling excitedly, huddled together like a group of five year olds.

"What is going on?"
You ask, stepping down the stairs as the boys look up at you like a bunch of preschoolers.
You raise an eyebrow.

"Oh! Y/n, we're going to play hide and seek! You want to play too?" Mark asks.

"Hide and seek? How old-"

"YEP! She's playing!" Johnny calls out abruptly.

"Alright! Let's do this!"
Haechan yells.

"Hey! I never said I'd play! I was just going to go back to my place. And besides, I don't know my way around Doyoung's house well enough."

"Well that's too bad! It's decided, you're staying and playing because it would be no fun with just 9 of us."
Yuta grins.

"9 is plenty!"

"We'll give you chocolate."
Jaehyun says, throwing your favourite chocolate bar into your hands.

You sigh and give in.

"Taeil is the seeker because he's the oldest!"
Jungwoo says, poking Taeil in the arm.

He groans and rolls his eyes, fed up with them always choosing him to be seeker.

"That's not-"
He begins to object but no one ever gets a word in around this lot.

Johnny yells, sprinting down the hallway. The others run off in different directions as Taeil rests his head and arms on the counter, counting down from 30.

Panic arises as you have no clue where to go, everyone already gone within a second.

"25, 24, 23..."

You quietly go up the stairs, low key sprinting in panic.

'This place is massive I don't know where to go!'
Your thoughts scream at you.
You bite your lip as you run up another set of stairs, walking down a dark hallway with many rooms.

You hear Taeil from downstairs,
"Ready or not here I come!"

You begin to freak out upon deciding, but suddenly a hand shoots out from one of the doorways, grabbing your arm and pulling you into a bedroom, you guessed it was a spare room. You hold your breath as to avoid screaming at the sudden move.

Yuta puts a finger to his lips as he grins widely. You sigh when you realise it's him and not some Kidnapper. He slowly and quietly closes the door behind you and grabs your hand, pulling you towards a large dressing cupboard.

He swiftly opens the doors and shoves you inside, stepping in himself before closing the doors behind him.

You were shocked at the situation, the wardrobe was large but not large enough to have much room.

'Why couldn't he have just hid under the bed?"

You were about to loose your footing from the cramped space, your eyes widen as you felt as though you were about to fall through the doors. You have no choice but to grip onto Yuta.

Yuta notices and swiftly grabs your waist in both hands, your hands resting on his shoulders. He stares into your eyes, the only light you could see was the stars in his beautiful brown eyes. He smiles and you suddenly become flustered, looking down.

You notice both of your legs are entwined, and you blush at that too. His grip on your waist tightens as he pulls you closer, forcing you to look at him. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating.

You gasp at the sudden impact as you slam into his chest, but he silently chuckles.

"Yuta... what are you..."
You whisper.

"I love you y/n."

Your eyes widen at the unusual confession.


"Y/n, I've liked you for a long time now, I love your smile, your hair, your attitude, everything about you,"
His voice was a whisper and yet it was so steady and full of emotion.

"We've been friends for so long, but I want to change that... y/n, will you go out with me?"

You felt your cheeks heat up and you smile, burying your face into his chest to avoid making noise.

You couldn't help but call it out, completely forgetting about the game. Your eyes widen and you were about to throw your hands over your mouth, but Yuta's mouth crashes down on yours before you could.

His lips fit perfectly onto yours, you pulling into the kiss. He smiles onto your mouth as he notices you kissing him back.

As if on queue to crash the party, the door to the bedroom swings open loudly.

"I think I heard someone up here..."

You were about to pull away, but Yuta holds onto the kiss, not letting you go.

'What if we're caught?!'

You think to yourself, but reluctant to end the kiss as well, sparks were flying like crazy and it was too late at that point.

You hear Taeil walking around the room, you trying to stay as silent as possible.

Thankfully, Taeil walks straight past the cupboard, clicking his tongue as he leaves the room.

"Guess not.."

Yuta fights back a chuckle as he feels you tense up a little less. Pulling away from the kiss, you look into his lust filled eyes.

"He's gone, I doubt he will come back until he searches the whole house first." He whispers, his hot breath tingling your neck. "And it's a pretty big house..."

A/N: 🤷🏻‍♀️


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