Winter Night ~ Ten

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You tread through the snow, each pile of flakes crunching beneath your boot heel. The atmosphere was clouded with a snowy haze, it was hard to see where you were going. The icy winds had picked up and you were regretting not listening to your parents and taking a jacket, leaving you in a simple long sleeve sweater and skinny jeans.

You clasp your hands together, raising them to your mouth and breathing the hottest air you could muster up onto them. You were shaking at that point, the icy air stinging every inch of your skin.

'Almost there...'

Not many people were out, you didn't blame them. The snow was getting thick and it was a struggle to see five meters in front of you. You held onto the eagerness to get there already, pushing your way further down the small neighbourhood.

Eventually, you reach a familiar picket fence, the front ferns coated in a dusty layer of snow. Your lip was trembling, you just wanted to get inside to be in his warm embrace, to cuddle by his fireplace in a large blanket and spend the last few hours of Christmas with him.

It was Christmas, the second Christmas that you get to spend with your boyfriend Ten. You saw him in the morning for gift exchanges, but you each had your own family celebrations to attend to meaning you couldn't spend the whole day together. You missed him so bad already. He asked you to come over once your family gathering had come to a close, and it was now 9:00 at night. Even though you received a lot of gifts, there was still one you felt like you were missing, that was him.

You walk along the snow coated gravel.
If you weren't shivering to death you would practically be jumping with excitement. You finally reach the door, raising your cold fist up to the mahogany wood.

You didn't even get to knock a second time as the door swings open, your heart skips a beat. Before you could even get a good look at him he grips your wrist, pulling you into his chest and swaying you back and forth.

"Oh my god y/n, you're freezing!"
He pulls you into his warm home, leaving your embrace as he closes the front door behind you.

"Did you miss me?"
You ask, folding your arms as to hold in as much warmth as you could. Your skin was still prickled in goosebumps and your jaw was jittery.

"Of course I did! But why aren't you wearing a jacket or a scarf or some gloves or-"

"I'm okay Ten."
You unwrap your arms from your chest, only to throw them around his waist. He sighs and pats the back of your head, one arm firm around your back.

"Hot chocolate?"
He asks, your head raising up happily at the lifesaver in front of you.

Your expression was a good enough answer, you follow him to his kitchen bench where two mugs had already been made. The steam was dancing off of the chocolatey liquid towards the ceiling lights. You could smell it, and it smelt good.

He hands a cup to you, your hands wrapping around it as they begin to tingle from the sudden change of temperature. It was still too hot to drink. You raise it to your face so the steam could at least warm up your cold nose and lips. Taking a deep breath, you take in the beautiful scent. It was using so much self control to not just take it into your mouth, you knew you would end up burning your tongue.

Too busy enjoying the sweet cocoa aromas of the drink, you didn't notice your boyfriend sneaking off into the lounge room, returning with a soft fur blanket. He throws it over your shoulders from behind, his arms lingering around you as he presses his warm chest to your back.

Bit by bit, you began to defrost, melting into his arms.

"Better baby?"
He hums from behind you.

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