Falling ~ Changbin

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One foot in front of the other. Arms out as you stare along the thin railing you are walking on. Your instincts wanted you to get down, your stomach was fluttering like a swarm of a thousand butterflies.

"Y/n, get down! It's not safe."
Changbin says, pushing past his brothers friends to get a clear view of you when he notices. "Having you fall to your death is not what I had in mind when I asked you to hang out with me."

You smile playfully in response, daring to not listen to his pleads, yet not daring enough to take your eyes off where you were walking.

He kind of just stands there, not knowing whether he should attempt to pull you down or not. If he were to try, you could slip. The rest of the boys just watch, Hyunjin and Chan cheering you on.

It was fun, doing something dangerous for once. If your older brother or parents were here, then to hell with this idea.

As Cardi B says, 'You never live until you risk your life.'

You show off to them, you show off how brave you can be as you stand on the thin edging of the bridge. Any second could be the one that you plummet down into the icy, winter waters. It's a stupid idea, really. But you saw all of them doing it earlier so why not show that you can do it too?

"Maybe Changbin's right, maybe you should get down."
Jongin mumbles worriedly.

"It's fine, I do gymnastics remember? So it's not like I'm going to lose my balance easily."
You reassure, sneaking a quick glance down.

It was a far fall.

If you fall in, not only do you risk seriously hurting yourself, but it's Winter. The water would be sure to freeze someone up as frail as you instantly. The icy depths will hold you in their grip, limiting your every movement. It doesn't help that you never learned how to swim.

Carefully, steadily, you line your feet up cautiously to the centre of the metal railing. The winter breeze was light, but cold. You didn't know if your hands were trembling from the fear or from the cold.

"Woo! Go Y/n!"
Felix cheers.

"Guys, don't encourage her."
Changbin whines lowly, turning to face them.

"Binnie, it's fine, it's not like I'm gonna fall."

"And how do you know that?"

"Trust. I trust myself, so you should trust me too."
You say, finally stopping your steps and slowly spinning to face the 8 of them.

You look at your crush, his face evidently frightened. 'I'm the one who should be frightened, not him.'

You sigh, looking away from him and out into the distance. The large bridge wasn't used for vehicles anymore, they had announced it to be a sight seeing place only. It is beautiful though. And from up here, you can see more of the weir than you could from behind the railing.

"Do you have a death wish or something?"
He says from below you. You roll your eyes and continue to scan the area. The other seven boys were barely paying attention at this point, just standing with their phones in their hands or pushing each other around. You know. Typical boy stuff.

Not many people are out here at this time in the afternoon, school had finished for the day and Changbin wanted you to come with him to his house with his brother and his friends. You two weren't dating yet, but it was non stop flirting. He's just waiting for the right moment. It could have been this moment, on the most beautiful bridge in the area, if only you weren't so childish.

You look down the concrete bridge and notice a group of footy players not too far away.

"Loosen up a little. See? I'm totally fine."
You say, raising your arms defensively.

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