Empty Theater ~ Jongho

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You wipe the falling tears from your cheek with your sweater sleeve, ignoring the people who stare at you as you miserably speed walk down the streets.

You tried your best to keep your pace fast, but your knees just wanted to give up on you. You knew you couldn't turn to see if he was still following you. You knew he would try and reel you back in, just like he always seems to do.

You won't let him. You are done. You hear his voice call your name from the distance behind. People swarmed the streets at this time of evening, so you were thankful they were there to get in his path.

His voice cries out apologies and attempts of explanations, none of which are to reach you. Supposedly, he's been cheating on you for a while now, but you never believed it because you never saw it. People tried to warn you, but you were too caught up in your perfect fantasy world to listen.

Now, you feel angry for not listening to Jongho the first time, because he was right. You thought he was being a classic shithead who just wanted to ruin your life, to ruin whatever love you felt for your boyfriend.

You remember that day..


"You know he's cheating on you, right?"
He said in a humorous tone, a few of his friends stifling laughs from behind the pianos, some of them actually looked concerned. But that's what you get from a bunch of Theater kids, you never know when they're acting.

"He would never."
You reply, feeling a bit shocked at the sudden accusation. He would never cheat, he's always been there for you, he always says he loves you, he always buys you nice things. How could he possibly be cheating?

"Yeah, I saw him kissing your sister by the Park entrance."
Hongjoong says with a straight face.

You roll your eyes, childish.

"I know what he's like, and I'm pretty sure I know my sister as well. They would never hurt me, they love me."

"Y/n, they love each other."
Jongho says, smiling sadly.

What bullshit, your sister isn't even in town, and how would they even know what she looks like?

You sigh frustratedly, turning your head to face the piano in front of you, flicking through the booklet for the right song...


Well you should have listened to those 'childish actors'. It just turns out that they were right.

"Y/N! Wait!"
His voice nears, grabbing your wrist and forcing you to face him.

"Let go of me!"
You yell, tugging your wrist out of his hand. Your yelling and thrashing gains a bit more attention on you two, people slowing their walking to keep tabs on you.

He stares down at you angrily, not seeming to notice the witnesses, his voice raising at his next words.
"Will you just let me explain?"

"What is there to explain?!"

"Just calm the hell-"

"What's going on here?!"
A familiar voice yells, bursting through the crowd of people.

Of course he's here, you are out front of the Entertainment center after all. The last thing you need right now is someone to say 'I told you so', and knowing that snarky, know it all named Jongho, thats exactly what you're gonna get.

Not being able to bear to hear it, you turn your back to him, pushing past Jongho towards the building.

He looks back at you then at you boyfriend.
"You fucked up man."

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