01: Nayeon

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You: Mmm...

I woke up from my sleep. Now that we're on break, I can wake up whenever I want. I stretched and grabbed my phone that was charging on the desk next to my bed. I checked the time, it was 10:00am. I started scrolling through social media, and after a while, I decided to get up and do my morning routine.


After I finished my routine, I went into the living room and sat down on the couch. I picked up the remote and was about to turn the TV on until Nayeon came in and stopped me.

Nayeon: Wait, Y/n, don't watch TV.

You: Oh, good morning Nayeon, I didn't know you were up. Why shouldn't I watch TV?

Nayeon: Because, we're going to go watch a Movie

You: What movie?

Nayeon: (Movie Name)

You: Oh really? Are we going to the movie theaters?

Nayeon: Yeah. Are you fine watching (Movie Name)

You: Yeah, totally. I was looking forward to watching it during our break.

Nayeon: Sweet! Let's go then!

You: Wait, we're going right now?!

Nayeon: Yeah!

You: What about the others? Shouldn't we wait for them?

Nayeon: Um... They aren't interested in watching it.

You: Oh, that's a shame.

Nayeon: Yeah... So, let's go?

You: Yeah!

I got up from the couch and Me and Nayeon grabbed our stuff and headed out. We walked to the train station and rode the train to the movie theaters located in downtown. When we arrived, we went up to the ticket booth and checked the ticket prices. I was planning on paying for both of us, so I took out my wallet but,

Nayeon: Don't worry, I got it!

Nayeon took out her money and paid for our tickets.

You: Wait! I was going to pay for it.

Nayeon: Its fine Y/n, I can pay for us. Plus I'm older so I should pay for it.

You But-

"Here you two go, enjoy the movie."

Nayeon: Thank you!

Me and Nayeon went inside and showed our tickets to the Usher. He checked and validated our tickets and told us where the movie is going to be playing. Once we passed the Usher, the next thing we wanted to go to was the food stand.

Nayeon: Lets go get popcorn and some drinks. Maybe even candy too.

You: Let me pay for the snacks. You paid for the ticket, it would be fair if-

Nayeon: It's fine Y/n! No need to pay!

You: Well how about we each pay half? Let's do that at least.

Nayeon: Okay then, we can do that.

You: Dope.

Me and Nayeon went up to the food stand. We each got a box of candy, a can of soda and decided to share one large bag of popcorn. After paying for our snacks, we walked to the room where the movie was going to be playing and entered inside. There wasn't a lot of people inside, so we had many options on where we could sit. We decided to sit in the middle of the room, it was the perfect spot. We could see the entire screen just right, wasn't too close and wasn't too far.

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