17: Sad

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(Jihyo's POV)

Me and the girls just finished eating breakfast. When we put our dishes in the sink, we sat back down at the table. We're all still smiling and laughing and having a great time. It's been a while since I actually seen their smiles. It makes me so happy to see them like this. But I should make sure that we're all good, just in case.

Jihyo: So, everyone, are we all good with each other? No one's angry at anyone anymore?

They all looked at me. Some of them just simply nodded their heads and some other them gave me a "Yeah" or "Yup" while also nodding their heads. That brought me to smile wider and also give a small giggle.

Jihyo: Good, I'm glad everyone made up.

Nayeon: And good job Dahyun for starting this.

Sana: Yeah, if it weren't for you, we'd probably still be fighting.

Jihyo: Everyone give a round of applause for Dahyun!

Everyone all clapped for Dahyun and it caused her to smile, blush and giggle.

Dahyun: Well, I couldn't do it if you girls didn't forgive me and forgive each other, so also thank yourselves!

Jihyo: We appreciate you Dahyun, but there's one more person that we need to apologize to.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled.

All: Y/n L/n!!!

Jihyo: Yup! And when we do, he'll move back in here and have a happy life. I'll give him a call right now.

I take out my phone and was about to call him but as soon as I was about to press in his number, JYP called me.

Jihyo: Huh?

Nayeon: What is it Jihyo?

Jihyo: It's JYP. Wonder what's up.

I answer his call and hold the phone against my ear.

Jihyo: Hello?

JYP: Hi Jihyo, what are you doing right now?

Jihyo: I'm with the girls, we're in the dorm just talking and stuff.

JYP: Okay, will you and the girls come down to my office please? I need to talk to all of you about something.

Jihyo: Yeah, we'll get there quickly.

JYP: Thank you.

I hung up the call and put my phone back into my pocket.

Jeongyeon: What did he want?

Jihyo: He wants all of us to go down to his office right now.

Sana: Uh oh, that's not good.

Momo: I think we're in trouble~

Chaeyoung: I hope not, are we unnie?

Jihyo: I'm not sure, but we better go find out yeah? Let's go.

Me and the girls left the dorm and took the elevator down to JYP's office. I'm worried about what he wants to talk about but we never got in trouble before, it's probably nothing.

After a short ride in the elevator, we arrived at JYP's floor. We exited the elevator, walked up to his office door and I knocked on it.

JYP: Come in!

We heard JYP say inside the room. I opened the door and we say him sitting on his desk, doing something on his computer.

JYP: Great! You all are here. Please, come in.

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