08: Chaeyoung

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(Your POV)
I wake up from a long sleep with a wet towel on my forehead.

You: Hmm?

Confused on why it's on my forehead, I remove it. I feel better than I was. I have no headache, I don't feel hot, my chest is still a little tight but I don't have the urge to cough. I sit up from my bed and noticed Dahyun. She was on the side of my bed, her head was resting down and she was holding my hand. There was a bowl filled with water by her side.

You: I guess you put the towel on my head...

I checked the time, it was 10:30pm. But I wonder how long Dahyun was here.

You: Did you stayed with me this whole time?

She's really caring, I thought she would've left when I went to sleep, but I'm guessing she stayed right next to me the whole time.

You: Thank you Dahyun...

I let go of her hand and got off the bed carefully. I went over to Dahyun and picked her up slowly, bridal style. She wasn't that heavy, or maybe I'm just strong. Maybe a little bit of both but I was able to carry her. Lifting her up cause her to wake up. Her eyes were slowly opening.

Dahyun: Mmm... Huh? Y/n?

You: Hey, go back to sleep. I'll take you to your room.

Dahyun: But... you're sick...

You: I'm feeling a lot better Dahyun, thanks to you.

Dahyun: Oh... yay...

She smiled softly at me but it dropped quickly as she closed her eyes. She went back to sleep.

I left my room and started walking to the maknae room. When I arrived at the door, there was light showing under the door and I can hear talking. Tzuyu and Chaeyoung are awake. I knock on their door and heard Chaeyoung say come in. I opened the door and saw Tzuyu on her bed and Chaeyoung on hers. Chaeyoung was on a bunk bed and she was on the top.

Chaeyoung: Oh hey Y/n!

You: Hey.

Chaeyoung: Are you okay? We heard you were sick and I was worried about you.

Tzuyu: Me as well.

You: Yeah, I'm feeling better. Dahyun took care of me. My chest still hurts a little but I'm doing fine.

Chaeyoung: That's good. I see Dahyun is asleep. Did she fall asleep while taking care of you?

You: Yeah, she was asleep when I woke up. I'm guess she went to sleep after I did.

Chaeyoung: Oh, okay. Well Dahyun sleeps on the bottom bed, so just place her there.

You: Okay.

I went to Dahyun's bed and lied her down on it. I placed her head on her pillow and put her blanket over her body. I also tucked some of the blanket under her body too, so she could be nice and snuggled up tight.

You: Alright, she's set... I'm heading back to my room, goodnight girls

Chaeyoung: Goodnight Y/n.

Tzuyu: Goodnight.

I left the room and closed the door behind me. I went back to my room so I could work on a new song on my computer.


It's 3am and I'm working on the beat for the song. I decided to use my piano for most of the audio, mostly for the bridge and for the verses. I used my mic to record the audio from my piano. It took a while but I got the perfect notes and now I'm back to my computer, making a beat for the chorus.

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