21: Option

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You: Okay... I choose

You: Ahh!!! I can't choose!!!

Girls: Ugh!!!

The girls were annoyed and upset that I couldn't make a decision. I was even annoyed that they were making me choose between the 9 of them.

You: I'm sorry! I can't choose!! It's too much of a difficult decision!!!

Jihyo: Well how about you tell us who you like the most?

Sana: Yeah, out of all of us, whose your bias?

You: Ah! You all are!

Nayeon: That cannot be true!

You: Well it is! I like all of you! You all are my biases!

Jihyo: Oh~ Really now?

You: Yes! You all take good care of me, you all are fun to be around, I make happy memories with each of you and you all shower me with love! So I don't know who choose! I can't decide!! It's too difficult!!!

Tzuyu: Oh come on! It can't be that difficult!

Chaeyoung: You're just not thinking hard enough!

Dahyun: Yeah, you loser!

You: Shut up!!!

I looked at all of them with an angry expression, they're starting to piss me off now. I put my head down, close my eyes and sigh. The room was finally filled with silence. I continued to think about who I should date but I seriously can't decide.

You: You know... Maybe it's best if I don't date any of you...

Mina: What?! But wait, that's not an option!

Sana: Yeah, you have to choose one of us! Please Y/n!

Momo: I'm hungry, when's dinner?

You: I'm sorry,

I looked back up at them.

You: but that's probably the best option... I can't just choose one of you. It's impossible, you all are lovely, I don't want 8 hearts to be filled with sadness while 1 heart is filled with euphoria! That's just not fair! The only choice that is fair is that I don't date any of you...

After I said that, all of them looked sad. They were upset and disappointed that I couldn't choose one of them, but honestly, I'm fine with that. I don't want to choose one of them and have the others upset about my decision. That's just unfair and uncool.

You: I'm sorry but, that's the best option.

Nayeon: (Sigh) I guess it is Y/n... We're sorry Y/n...

Jeongyeon: Yeah, maybe that is the best option...

Jihyo: Or maybe there's an even better option!

Nayeon: There is?

Jeongyeon: There is?

Sana: There is?

Mina: There is?

Dahyun: Wait wut?

Chaeyoung: There is?


You: There is?!

Momo: So... When's dinner?

We all looked at Jihyo, curious about what option is best for me. She smiled at all of us and giggled.

Jihyo: (Giggles) Girls, follow me outside Y/n's room! And Y/n, stay in here, put in your earbuds and listen to music. I don't want you listening to our conversation.

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